REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

So I was scrolling through this post on my desktop… and my 5 year old asked what they were. I said “well the nice pictures are the prototypes artists pictures like Jacky Kramer that China stole and the other is what China sends…”

A few minutes later she goes
“I dont know why China sucks so bad. You are wayyyyy better at painting babies! For real they dont even do their job well.”

Bwuahahaha! If my 5 yr old gets it why dont other people???


Ah yes, because if the doll doesn’t fit in the box, that’s the obvious thing to do. Using different boxes is for amateurs. :rofl:


Why do they keep buying them???

Word is out at this point.

They won’t be the exception and actually get a nice doll.

And yet they keep buying.

Cheap. And foolish.

What’s that saying. "A fool and his money are soon parted. "

I know it sounds mean. But it reminds me of when I was a kid. My uncle kept telling me to stay out of the barn because of the bees nests.

I went anyway.

I got stung.

And he said. “I warned you. This is what happens when you don’t listen. Bees are going to sting. Its what they do. They don’t know any better. You have to be smarter.”

The same goes for scammers. They are going to scam. They don’t know any better. Or don’t care.

Be smarter!


Well… I know the FB pages delete comments and block people from commenting who have mentioned that it is a scam. They are also paying for advertisement. So non-reborn people are seeing the ads and do not know any different… I see a lot of “why is this on my feed?” questions as well as “these creep me out” type comments… mixed with the “I just ordered, how long til I get it?” and the “I want to order a _________.”
The only proof left of something being off is occasional angry faces… which could be from people who do not know about reborns and are not fond of them… most people dont jump to the conclusion that it is from people who tried to warn others and was blocked and deleted…

Today 2 of the pages have not blocked me yet that I commented scam on yesterday and about 10 people have opened their eyes to the scam as well as others previously scammed sharing the photos of what they got.
Also each page I have seen has hundreds to thousands of likes in less than a month… I assume all from people who do not really know what a reborn is.


I guess I just think people are being nieve. I wouldn’t ever put my payment information on a website with a name that makes no sense. Like those do.
And I’m of the mind that if it seems to good to be true. It is.

I’m s skeptic. I don’t believe anyone or anything without proof. Haha


I get it. I wouldnt either.
I dont buy anything more than $50 without researching it. lol


I am currently trying to complete a sale with someone who purchased one from a scam site and is out 110 pounds. She said she now understands the work put into real reborns and is now dealing with finances in order to purchase a reborn for her daughter. I wish people would do their research before plopping down over 100.00 on anything much less something from a site that screams “not on the up and up”.


… and in multiples??? :scream: :thinking: :money_mouth_face: :roll_eyes:
For that amount of money they could afford real OOAK reborn.


This is so discouraging. New years resolution- buy no more kits and prepare to exit reborning.

I’m doing the same. Sadly.

I think that many of us are coming to that decision. It must be sad for the sculptors too.

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Ugh. Just got blocked on the last 2 pages I saw on FB.

It is sad. But I can’t compete. My babies aren’t moving. I have them listed on both Etsy and Reborns and nothing.

Its these scam sites. I just can’t.

I’m moving on to porcelain doll making and things like decorative pots and such. ( I got a pottery wheel and a kiln so I’m letting reborning go. I have to. If they don’t sell I can’t make them.)


People who buy from these sites are realizing they made a mistake and I think most will eventually come to the real artists. They just have to learn. Reborns and dolls in general won’t ever go away. I don’t think anyone should leave the art unless they just don’t love it anymore. Don’t let the fakes push you out if you really want to stay.


I have the same issue.

@hellbunny33 I hope that it works out that way.

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I have been reporting the pages, but I am scared to post on their pages for fear they will find a way to cause problems for me.

Its not about wanting to leave.

But between everyone thinking they can make them. And now these Chinese sites. How can real artists compete?

I can’t afford to keep making dolls just to have them sit unsold because I refuse to lower my prices and people are cheap.

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I have been blocked by more then I can count of these pages by posting the REAL dolls they sell.
I also left Facebook a “nice” message after the 10th “this doesn’t go against our community standard” review after I reported.
Basically telling FB that these sites are scamming people and stealing artist pics and FB Is allowing it, so thanks FB" doubt it’ll help. Also spent over an hour on PayPal chat asking why this is still allowed but artist get screwed when someone buys a doll then wants to keep the doll and their money.
It’s post after post on FB now.
Asking if it’s legit or that they got scammed and now need a real Reborn but must be $100 or less, plus the influx of “is it silicone” on dolls $200 or less.
I believe part that non Reborn people don’t know and are intrigued by the idea, but the ones I see in most FB posts, if you look into them, they’ve been in Reborn groups for awhile so they know, but hope they’ll get lucky.
If something doesn’t change, I won’t be able to continue. Yes I work as well so this is a hobby for a little extra money, but no sales means no new kits means no reborning.


I was one of the stupid ones that bought this one :frowning:

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I bought this one too :frowning:

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