REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

Not to mention we don’t know what is in those dolls. There is no quality control or testing for toxins in the vinyl.

In my opinion its dangerous to put heat set paint on an unknown substance such as that vinyl.


Exactly! Just because it has a new paint job doesn’t mean it’s not a knock off.
With so many artist allowing payment plans there really is no need to buy a knock off.
Even those on a lower budget, there are artist who offer budget babies, boo boo babies etc.
Even if they are lower quality or not as realistic it’s still better then a knock off!
When I google Reborn doll for sale, the scam sites are the first that pop up for me, with the legit Reborn . Com site coming up 5th on the search :frowning: with Christmas coming I am afraid it’ll only get worse.
I get some buy that have no knowledge of the cost or kits and such but there are some that buy knowing it’s a knock off but hope it’ll be decent.
There was a post today from a girl who knowingly bought 2 April babies from one scam site and showed them off proudly and when told that it was a knock off she said she knew but April was a sold out it so she got these and will send them to her artist to paint while showing off her collection which included a ivita silicone, knock off Henry by Shelia Michaels, knock off Coco Malu and what I believe are some kind of knock off (the babies are the same I’ve seen on eBay sold from China) and her reasoning behind not caring? “Artist charge to much for real hand painted babies. Kits as low as $50 they sell for $300 or more it’s a total rip off” (which any artist knows it’s NOT just the kit cost that goes into overhead and supply cost. Not to mention the countless hours of painting or rooting.
There will always be those who want something for nothing and don’t care who they hurt in the process.
I’ve also seen those who blame the sculptors for the stolen copies because 1) they send their sculpt to China to have made so what do they expect 2) if they didn’t charge so much people wouldn’t buy knock offs
Even if artist charged just supply cost, on a on sale BB kit it would still be over $100 after kit/body/weighting etc
There are those now who also are defending these sites stating “they have over 200 positive reviews” (that have zero photos or the same photo they advertise" and reviews can be faked. When 1000+ people are saying it’s a scam and countless photos to prove the dolls aren’t what they show…it can’t be a “vendetta against the companies” which I’ve seen as well
It’s a shame, it really is and doesn’t seem to be much anyone can do to stop it.
I have been blocked by countless pages of these scam sites on FB for posting their REAL dolls they send.


Absolutely! So many say they are great for children since their cheaper but I for one wouldn’t give my child something that I have no clue is in the vinyl.
The chemicals that may be inside those, who knows what health hazards there are!


Even a reborn painted by a beginner is often better than one of those creepy things and they can sell for under $100 sometimes.
The person who says the kit price is low but the dolls expensive is delusional. As if you buy a kit and the supplier just throws in shipping, bodies, weighting materials, clothing, magnets, mohair, etc. in for free. Bet that person has no idea what goes into making a real reborn doll.
Blaming the sculptor is stupid as well. There’s been stolen kits that were originally manufactured in Germany and I’ve even seen a knockoff of Shyann. BB Shyann. “$20 on sale? Oh no, that’s sooooo expensive!”

People just have a rotten attitude. If you can afford several ugly knockoffs, you can afford one real, actually good looking reborn.

But people in my country buy knockoffs too. Over here the (real) reborn market has completely crashed, people selling cute reborns for less than the supply costs just to get rid of them. Super over saturated market so there’s plenty to choose from with desperate sellers. Should be a collectors dream. But instead people still buy knockoffs because they think it’s so much cheaper, even though in the end the difference is maybe €20-€30.


I don’t get that attitude. Bet you could get a BB reborn from a beginner artist for a similar amount of money.

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Is this a knock off saskia? The hair reminds me of some of the knock offs…

Possibly. It does look like the fingernails are that weird pink/orange color with stark white tips that all those knock offs have.

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Yep looks like the knock off saskia to me

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I’m glad I’m not on fb anymore…I would have a stroke reading all these posts from these dumdums. It’s hard for me to even have any sympathy at this point for people who buy from these sites. What happened to common sense? NO! You will not get a doll that looks like THAT picture for 97.00. Just like you will not get a car that runs well for 1500.00; or a real Chanel bag for 50.00. I just can’t…


Added another site yesterday. They only have 1 Saskia listed so far but still a scam


What kind of toxic fumes might come out of these knock-offs? Ick.

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Jlesser, I appreciate all you are doing to to help rid this art form of these horrible rip off scrum.


They have “magic” paint brushes that make the illegal in the stolen sculpts disappear. :laughing:

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I don’t understand it either. I’ve seen babies being sold for $80-$150 all day long in some groups. Granted they aren’t high end or very realistic but still look better then the knock offs.
I’ve seen a few knock off Saskia for sale or trade by the buyers who got them off the scam sites. People are actually biting! It blows my mind. I had someone today ask a quote on Twin A after seeing the scam site, she’s local to me and we work together. I quoted her $275 which I feel Is reasonable with a box opening since it’ll be a bald baby… needless to say she still ordered from the scam site no matter the proof I shown her here.
Can’t help people that don’t want help or those that still think they can get something for nothing. She knows how much work goes into these babies, she bought one from me last year for her sister, but 🤷 what else can you do


Added best.raise-life as well, I already had raise-life on there… they both open to the same page and have 8 pages of stolen kit listings in there
Including many kits I havent seen listed on the scammer sites yet… :frowning:

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What Gets me I’d that most of these scam sites have downright bizarre names and people still buy from them.


Wished I had done my research :disappointed: my doll is supposedly on the way, and I’m so afraid to see what it will look like. Luckily I did pay with PayPal so I will definitely be making a dispute with them and/or my credit card.


And just added another one :frowning:
and commented on their page that it was a scam and reported it to FB… it was trendyes it links to raise-life. com also

Added another FB page -


I stopped feeling sorry for those people :frowning:
There is the lesson in it for them. Sorry, but I am not sorry…


I have to agree. I’m sick of it. I warn them and warn them and every day I get someone’s sob story about how they “hoped I was wrong so they bought one anyway…can you fix it??”

No. Freaking no.

I warned you. You didn’t listen. My sympathy doesn’t extend there. Sorry not sorry.