REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

The more the word gets out that they are scammers, the more people won’t buy from them, hopefully, and they will begin to make less money.


They now have people in OUR Reborn groups on FB selling using the same stolen photos. One even posted from a nursery page to show their “inventory”.

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Seriously? What page?

Reborn dolls for adoption
Reborn nursery, buy and sale (something along those lines)
Reborn dolls $150 and under
These 3 groups were the ones I commented on their posts.
Only one was removed via admin (2nd of the groups listed above)
The profile said they were in Denver Colorado but was brand new just started yesterday and only posts were of the same photos as the scam sites and known knock off factory dolls.


Here are some more :frowning:

What was ordered…

What she got!


LOL! wow!

Those Saskias will give me nightmares. Yikes!
And that last one, it’s twin A in the original pictures, but the knockoff doesn’t even look like twin A.


All I can think of them especially Saskis is they are icky especially that hair, gross!


Yes, their hair is sooo gross!!


Omg :zipper_mouth_face::fearful::angry:
I’ve seen the copies of Saskia and April and they’re bad enough but omg that “twin A” is horrendous!!!


yea… not even twin A and using the stolen April limbs…

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The “twin A” looks like the copy of another stolen kit just with the mouth opened :confused:
And sadly? I’ve seen some artist offering to repaint these cheap copies.
Wonder what kit they’ll copy next :frowning:
Each time one goes off another pops up. No amount of reporting is working. Is there anything that can be done? Maybe the BBB?

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Yep!! One post today the girl was showing her knock off April from one of the sites and said she was maybe going to see about an artist fixing her up, I commented that I don’t think any legit artist would work on a knock off sculpt…to which 2 artist linked their nursery pages offering to try and repaint her to see if that’ll help, all while telling me I don’t speak for all artist and once a artist paints it it’s no longer a knock off (yea right)


@SouthernLullabies Wow!

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:rofl: :scream: :sob:

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I didn’t say any more after that… I know I don’t speak for all artist but I truly thought any artist who cares for this community wouldn’t work on a knock off… without the sculptors there wouldn’t be any new kits, they work way to hard to have their sculpts stolen, reproduced into cheap ugly copies…
I for one will not work on a stolen sculpt.
I know there will always be those who care more about the $$$$ then they do the craft but to me I don’t want my work or name associated with theft!


Oh geeze. :woman_facepalming:

Agreed. I myself would never touch a knock off sculpt.

People need to learn to fork over the money for a real. Artist made reborn. Save up if need be. But buying cheap and expecting artists to fix it is so wrong. 1. Its double the work for the artist to fix. And 2. It undercuts artists prices for their hand made babies.


That’s like saying I fix up people’s knock off Nike sneakers so they’re not knock offs any more.