REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

She is 11. That’s very kind of you. Unfortunately we will have to save up again in order to afford that again! We could possibly do a payment plan. I will have to talk to my husband

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Ah. That is a sculpt I can still get. If you would like to talk about details you can click my name and send me a personal message. Then we can discuss in detail. :purple_heart:

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Twin A is the actual kit name. It is vinyl not silicone
Good news is the kit is available

reminder: new members have a post/comment limit… cant remember what it is though. Not sure if personal messages are included in the limit

Yep. Twin A.
She has a cloth body. But is still a super sweet sculpt.
If you want a bald baby I’m willing to do it for the cost of the supplies and shipping.


Ah I didn’t know that. I will continue to post here then in case she can’t PM me. :purple_heart:

I just didnt want you to think she wasnt responding if she was actually just on the limit… I wonder if there is a place where it mentions the limit and how many comments it is and for how long? hmmm

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Hmmm. Good point.

I really wish we could shut down those scammers. How many more innocent people are going to get scammed by them? Ugh.

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Not sure how to send a personal message. Sorry new to this.

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That’s ok. We can talk here if you like.

Was the doll your daughter wanted a bald baby or did it have hair?

She had hair

She would like to know what it would cost for a full silicone if you can make one?


Looking at the doll I can do that sculpt for 200$ which includes rooted hair. Clothing. Including a pacifier and blanket. And shipping to you.

You just have to let me know what color hair when you pay. :purple_heart::purple_heart:

And just so you can see. Here is some of my doll work. And i have been on this board for years. I’m sure these ladies can vouch that Im Not a scammer.

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Well made silicone costs thousands. And sadly that sculpt is not available in silicone. Only cloth bodies and vinyl.
The scammers make it seem like silicone is easy and cheap. But that’s sadly not the case. Silicone is an art all by its self. An expensive and time consuming art.

Of course there are silicone artists who would make you a gorgeous silicone baby using their own sculpts. Its just extremely expensive for a well made one.


Okay thanks. I will talk to my husband and see what he says and get back to you. Thanks so much. You have lifted her spirits.


JUST ANOTHER QUICK UPDATE: I changed the title to this post by adding the words " REBORN DOLLS" and I also added content on the first post - warning buyers. I did this because when you search on the web and use the term “reborn dolls” I am hoping that this topic pops up in the first couple of pages, in hopes that any buyer searching using that term will be able to find this thread. When I used the term “reborn doll scam sites” , this thread came up in the first 3 rank. But my hope is if I change it, then we can rank higher with the term “reborn dolls”. Lets see if this helps, any ideas to push it to the top will be appreciated. I want to Warn as many buyers NOW, since thousands of dolls will be sold for Christmas. ( I think it takes a few weeks before this new change can be picked up by google, so we will see if this works.)


I’m really disappointed my daughter was born still several years ago and I recently started going to therapy and join some groups for support someone suggested getting a reborn silicone baby because it is therapeutic. I almost ordered one from this site and I was so excited because I knew I couldn’t afford the other ones that I was looking at I’m glad I googled it.


So sorry about your loss.

For your future research and purchases: silicone babies cost thousands dollars.
Look at the price tags here - pictures were taken this year at Orlando show.


So I’m confused!