REBORN DOLLS - BEWARE - Scammer site stealing photos, CALL TO ACTION, new sites are opening and using different artist photos

No she hasn’t responded

That is a strange photo. And that doll has no shading/color, just a little bit blush. And how is her dress goes so deep under the neck, like her head even not attached? What is the post said? Is that customer happy with what she received?
That is so awful that they stole Saskia sculpt! :rage:

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The one in purple I seen shared by another artist who was contacted from the scammed collector. I do not know that collectors reaction or story.

The vinyl looks strange to me and I really think they are pouring the kit themselves. It is the same look from other illegal or knockoff kit painted in a factory…
Saskia blank vinyl was nice and I think it would be hard to mess it up this much…


More thefts :rage:



Found them. This is bigger than we thought.

Look at the name on the box.

And then look at what comes up when you search the name Hoomai.

This is a huge company doing this.


Yeah, the vinyl looks like it might be softer than the real kit. It almost looks like it is distorting a little by the way she is holding it. The face looks wider than normal, too.

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So, they could have easily reproduced Saskia, and maybe even April, in their cheaper vinyl and doll sizes. Aren’t there any international laws that could be claimed against these crooks? China doesn’t care, though, and I think it’s because they know they can get away with it. Disgusting.

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The sculptors would have to sue. And even then…


Honestly we are seeing this in everything from reborn dolls to fashion, to high tech instruments.

China and a few other countries do not abide by copyright trademark and intellectual property rules we have set forth here. They are manufacturers not artists not innovators. They are given everything they need to do this because they have all the specs, drawings, information, original models…so that they can manufacture.

They are wrong, it is wrong but the only way to stop it is for all of us here in the US to say no to “knock offs” stop looking online for the cheapest thing that looks like the thing you want but don’t want to pay top dollar for.

I just heard someone on You Tube today saying “I bought this…but if you are going to just get the knock off it isn’t worth all this money for the name brand”

It is a very innocent statement until you realize the person who spent all the time creating the concept, paying someone to make technical drawings, paying for copyright and doing all that research, submitting all that to a manufacturer, paying for marketing, branding an promotion… Well it takes one ■■■■■■■ to copy it, a hundred people looking for a deal to buy the knock of and someones dream and sometimes life savings is down the drain.

It is the same with everything. If you like the music buy it, it isn’t expensive (99 cents), if you like the movie pay to rent it (3.99) won’t break the bank, if you like a bag pay the artists who designed it.

I believe that everyone is inspired by someone else, there is nothing truly original, we are all just taking ideas and recycling them, improving them, creating something new with them.

Inspiration is a good thing, and give credit, that is an even better thing.


Right. And ya know. If they legally purchased the sculpts and made them. I wouldn’t care. Its the stealing of artists pictures and misleading websites that bother me.

Told my husband about it all. He said. “If someone settles for a cheap knockoff reborn. They aren’t your customer. You can’t expect people who want Wal-Mart prices to understand. Those people just want cheap. Like the people who buy knockoff coach bags. They never intended to spend more.”


I agree that we, as customers, are creating this knock off market by wanting always more for less.
But, it’s not that that it’s the most shocking, it’s the fact that they stole other people pictures and money.
Cheap Chinese dolls are a thing, scamming and stealing it’s another.


Agree a hundred percent.

There are all different levels.

I have written at least a hundred times and flagged sellers.

A few times I get messages back that make no sense. They basically state they are just using information given to them by the supplier and don’t intend on doing anything differently. eBay doesn’t shut them down.


Ebay does not give a hoot as long as they get their share of the money.


I’ve shared warnings on my nursery Facebook page about these scams. I was a little worried about backlash from the scammers, but I honestly don’t think they care or will do anything. This whole thing is getting really out of control, and I think it will just get worse as the holiday season approaches.


This may teach the age old lesson of “you get what you pay for.”
If people want a cheap doll…let them. They will realize the quality difference. It may be a harsh lesson. But seriously. You get what you pay for. You want a 100$ reborn. That’s what you get. Spend more if you want something better.


Well I finally got an encouraging response from Facebook. (Most of the reports I’ve made got no response at all.) So…they acknowledge the ad is a violation. So they removed it. But they left the site up. :woman_shrugging:t2:

One step forward. One step back. :confused:


I got the same response this morning for the annebabys one or what ever it is.

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I’ve never had much faith the the Facebook police. Once, I reported a meme…it was stick figures. There was a girl lying on the couch. On one side was a boy standing there with his pants down. On the other side was a guy saying something like “what are you doing to my sister?” The other guy said something like “well I don’t hear her telling me no.” To which the other guy said something like “she can’t. She’s a retarded vegetable.” Then they high fived as if it’s okay to go ahead and ■■■■ her.
Seriously…the most offensive thing I’ve ever seen. But Facebook said it did not violate their policies. I reported it again. Got the same answer. They just suggested I stop following the person who shared it if I’m offended. :confused:


Ugh. Yeah they suck