FYI…Saw a darling little girl about 15 months old at the gym tonite so adorable all i could think of was …what a pretty doll she would make.
think im getting warped!
.QUESTION…im rooting my dolls hair now when done i need to seal the eyes in They eyes are really big for the eye sockets inside.
.Someone said they use moleskin to keep eyes in.
I bought sone now what would i do with the moleskin ?Or the best way to keep oversized eyes in and from moving?They seem to be sort of pushng out of the vinyll flap so glue around where its touching the inner eye edge if you get what i mean


Don’t force it, or you will tear the socket. That’s what I did! Now, I do through the inside if the head😬

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Thanks…Lordy never thought i might be able to tear this vinyl!!
I have them in already and i have baked her with them in but they are looking sideways googley eyed so are sitting crooked flap only sort of touching one side .
E6000 around the eye where it does touch ?
or around eyeball in face socket area itself ? just afraid the glue will seep out onto the face
.One eye seems pretty stable other is moving around as i do hair but i still need to do lashes so dont want to glue yet at least until i put hair on the back of her head.

I cut the flaps off on one of my kits bc I couldn’t get the eyes to sit flush with the eyesocket in the front. What I had to do to keep the eyes flush was put a little bit of e6000 around the eye rims, top and bottom, then put the eyes in one at a time and press it there until it started to stick and dry then I squeezed e6000 over the back of the eye to cover it so it would seal it in place. I had to do one at a time, making sure the first one was completely dry and set before I started the second one because all the squishing and pressing of the vinyl would make the first one come loose from the eye socket. I hope this is what you are trying to do and not something completely different!

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How long do you have to hold the eye against the socket before it is stuck in place? I am planning on using a size up on Mathis and it requires me pushing the eyes to get them to stay in place! Wondering how long to hold it? (I am not ready to place them yet - rooting statrts soon). I have even considered getting the eyes in position, adding glue and a couple of cotton balls and then plastic bag around my rice sock and stuffing the head tightly to hold everything in place. If the plastic bag gets stuck to the back of the eye flap, it is not a big deal.


Pia, can you glue it and then put moleskin over?

I guess I could stuff cotton balls and then moleskin, but I still need something to force the eyes all the way to the lid since they are oversized and want to back out.

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A quarter or a nickel?

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Those sound like good ideas. i think ill use
Where do you put the mole skiin.?Dont want to sound dumb but ball it up behind eye? or like a band aid to hold eyen in?

You will be able to tell when the e6000 dries enough to hold them, when you let go, it will stay flush to the eye rim. I’d say I held mine for about 10 minutes, maybe a little less. I heated the head up a bit in my Nuwave first. Then I used an old small paint brush, and used a tiny bit of e6000, and go inside the head and paint it onto the eye rim where the eyeball is going to touch the vinyl, top and bottom, one eye at a time, and then took my eye and pressed it flush to the vinyl from inside again. If you let go too soon and leave the head to dry, when you come back, the eyeball will be pushed back inside the head and you’ll have gaps all around. It was very time consuming but worth it to get it flush all the way around. Then I made sure that first eye was good and dry, left sitting face down for awhile, then I squeezed more e6000 inside the head on top of the back of the eye. Once that first one was completely dry, I moved on to the next one. It took me about 3 tries to realize i had to do one at a time and let dry completely before moving on to the second eye, bc you will push the first eye back away from the vinyl if you try to do the second one before the first is done and dry!

Oh! brilliant! Since the eye is flat back glass, I will have to see if a nickel will fit into the vinyl opening behind the eye to put vitrine a bind? What a WIP this will end up being!


Thanks Shannon! Sounds like a 2 day proposition and I am not a patient person (at all)!

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I’m just wondering: If the eyes are that hard to keep in place, isn’t it much more likely they could be dislodged or shift over time even if the glue is strong?

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I don’t see that as a potential problem.

Once they are glued in from the back they are in there pretty good! I don’t see them coming loose or moving away from the vinyl at all, not after the mound of glue on the back of each eye. I just had to put a little in front and around the rim to get them to stay until I got the glue in the back on and dry, or else the eyes would just push back into the head with the wet glue on the backs.

I had to use 2 nickels behind each eye on my Harlow bc the eye socket inside the head was huge, but if Mathis has smaller eyesockets inside his head, it could work! Just don’t cut the flaps inside, I heated the head and then put the nickles in from the front and then the eyes in from the front too and it did push the eyes flush to the vinyl. But I forget, someone said something about that not being a good idea for some reason, I’ll have to look at the thread to see why they said it would be a problem. But doing it the way I did like I explained earlier, it took me 3 whole days to get those eyes in and stay put! But you shouldn’t take that long, it was only cause I had to figure out what didn’t work first before I finally figured out what did work!

Good to know. Thanks, ladies.

Did it work???

I used to put eyes in from the front, some are very hard to do and then I read somewhere that you can tear the vinyl around the eye socket. Well that happened once on a small kit. I decided after that not to do it that way again. I never tried nickels.

These eyes are going through the back! I root lashes before the eyes go in and with them being 22mm in a 20mm head, it would be a real stretch to get them in! Not taking any chances. Thanks for all the input to this point. I just started rooting tonight so it will be next weekend before I have to mess with it. I did order some oval glass eyes to see if they will work for me.

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