Reason for Nursery Names

Too bad you don’t live next door. We could take them out together and to heck with anyone who thought we were wierd!

I know huh!

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@lynn & @honojane, I started taking a baby out but keeping it covered so I didn’t have to have any conversation about it. Then, I took one to lunch so my friend could see it. As we passed the baby back and forth, we noticed people were watching us and seemed a bit interested but confused. I then spoke to them and said it’s a doll I made to sell. They came over and held her and loved it.

Now, I always take a baby with me when I meet my friend for lunch and I’m more aware of people looking and I start a conversation. They almost always want to hold it. I ALWAYS hand out business cards! Now, I generally take them with me on errands. I love taking them to Carter’s and Babies R Us. I put the carrier in the child seat part of the shopping cart and when I see someone eyeing the baby, I start the conversation. Most people say they were thinking something was wrong with the baby because there was no movement.

It is more fun when you have a friend with you, but after a while, you get used to it. Store employees are sad when I don’t bring in a baby.

I LOVE yard sales and I now take a baby with me to those. I leave it in the car but when conversation turns to them, I go get it…and hand out business cards! When I look at baby items, I used to say I was looking at them for my friend’s baby. Now, I own it. I smile and say well…I make babies…and sell them. :open_mouth: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: Then, I get it and they are always impressed and appreciate they got to see and hold it.

I’ve definitely gotten more “likers” to my Facebook page by doing this. Marketing is all about the numbers. The more people you reach, the better!


Maybe one day I will get up the nerve to take one on an outing to babies r us when i’m looking for clothes. Hopefully I won’t run into anyone who thinks I’m nuts. LOL

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So do I but that’s their problem. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I used to feel like that, too. Then I thought ‘Okay, Jean. If you want to sell these dolls you have to get over yourself and get them out there’. Now, I think it’s fun. If someone thinks I’m nuts is that going to impact my life? Nope (unless they call the paramedics lol). Just don’t take them when you’re in a hurry because you’ll more than likely get delayed.


I use Vistaprint as well. I have magnets, thank you cards, business cards, a banner and some tee shirts for myself. I also had an apron and hoodie embroidered at a local shop. I got the banner and clothing because I plan to start doing craft fairs this next year so gearing up for that. As far as my name, I have used Pittypat in many different things over the past 20 years so it was just natural for me to go with that in my nursery name. (I am a big Gone With the Wind fan and Aunt Pittypat was Scarlett’s aunt and such a hoot) I have a facebook page, instagram and am on a couple of other forums with that name.

By the way - I am 56 :slight_smile:


You can’t rely on googling a name. You should check with the SBA.