Reason for Nursery Names

Can anyone tell me what the reason for the nursery name? Does that mean you actually have a business rather than a hobby or what? Where do you check to see if names are already in use? When you pick a name does it have to be registered somewhere and does it cost money? Can you just have a business card with your name and phone number on it rather than a nursery name? I don’t know anything about this aspect, help please.


I suppose i need to know these answers too although I prefer blissful ignorance! (Honojane’s Reborns isn’t a business. I’m a just for fun hobbyist) Okay. Answer up ladies. Sigh.


If you sell your babies, it’s a great way to ‘mark’ your work and also helps customers find you.


I don’t know why I settled on my nursery name…My Blissful Babies…it just came to me. I then decided to save the domain name (just in case). The next step I took was to order cards, decided on a brand (cutesie owls) and then attempted to build a web site. I still only sell by word of mouth but that’s my own preference after hearing all of y’all’s horror stories…lol.


But is there a list somewhere that lets you know if the name is taken? Also does this cost money and do you register the name somewhere?

I used GoDaddy to select or reserve my domain name. I typed in a couple of other names first and it came back saying unavailable. Of course I could have used .net or something else and it might have been available. I just figured most people would use .com. I paid I think $60 for 2 years. Just can’t remember. Also…not sure if there is an actual list of Nursery names out there. @pia probably knows.


If you come up with a name Google it. If you can’t find it online then ask here on the forum and on any other forum you may be on. There have been times where an artist has worked very hard building up a reputation and a following only to have a brand new artist begin selling with the same name or one similar enough to confuse buyers. Somewhere online there is a list but I don’t remember where it is and it’s not probably not complete. Do your due diligence and try hard to come up with something very unique and then look for it ALL OVER before you use it. Also if you ask here we can check other forums we are on. :smile:


So you have to BUY a Nursery Name? If so-----then why have one? I am NOT computer literate so I don’t undrerstand all this stuff. Do you mean everyone out there has to pay to keep their name?? I don’t get it. Is it just because they have a website?

So you have to BUY a Nursery Name? If so-----then why have one? I am NOT computer literate so I don’t undrerstand all this stuff. Do you mean everyone out there has to pay to keep their name?? I don’t get it. Is it just because they have a website?

I haven’t bought my domain ‘name’. I haven’t spent any money on a website either. I do have a personal and business/nursery facebook page and I’ve spent $10 on business cards to include some in every box I ship. You can really spend as little or as much as you want. Come up with a name…make sure no one else is using it and go from there.
If you include something personal about you in the name you should be okay. Good Luck!


Hi Lynn, I have been marketing my babies for about 6 years now…I am in Oz (Australia) so it may be different but I don’t think so…You do not have to register a nursery name…Using a nursery name is mostly for 'marketing" purposes if you are selling regularly…Many people come to know you by your nursery name and will look for you if you have one and they like your dolls…I started as a hobby for several years before I became a ‘business of sorts’ and started turning in tax figures and can tell you that you are much more able to build a regular customer base with a nursery name. I think the best thing is to try and google names just to make sure that others do not have it but other than that, unless another artist has gone to the trouble to ‘register’ their nursery as a business, it is not a problem. I have found that many of the larger more prominent nurseries do register their names or some have just changed them and are using their initials as part of their nursery name…An example is Melissa George who was Bundles of Love Nursery who has changed hers to MG Dolls which of course is her initials because others were using her former nursery name…So to answer your question…Having a nursery name is definitely an asset if you intend to continue reborning and selling your work or if you have aspirations of possibly making a buisiness of it or just want to build up a client base. It is not necessary to register it unless you are a professional making a living of your work and don’t want others stealing your name. Mostly registering a name is just a ‘protection’ of your asset if you know what I mean…like a copyright on a name brand. You can pay to use some domains if you wish to use them like Google or others or you can choose to just use free websites like wix and others or just sell through Ebay, Reborn Marketing Sites, etc which are pay a fee as you sell systems…Hope this helps


I go by as Special Snowflake Nursery (without spaces) on Instagram. It’s more of a way for me to differentiate from others, and you can tell that my account is about reborns right away.

Plus I have the added benefit of using it as my business name if I need to. From what I understand about taxes (double check with yours!!!) is that as long as you are just selling items that are part of your hobby and are under a certain monetary limit then you do not need to get a small business license.

Names are important if you plan on marketing yourself, creating a website, or creating a small business.

Though (again you’ll have to check your local laws/regulations) if I were to register my small business, I would also have to apply for a home business license from my county. I’m personally hoping to hold off on that since I’m definitely still practicing and learning.

I hope that helped a little bit.

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Thank You Everyone! It is so helpful to read your replies, I am an older lady and don’t know anything about how all this stuff works and don’t want to be doing something that could get me into trouble of some sort. I appreciated those who answered, I know your time is valuable and helping out others is beyond kind. I will see if I can come up with a name and google it to see if it is being used by anyone. May I ask one more question? Where do you find the wonderful pictures (backgrounds) for your business cards? Thanks again!!!


I’m right there with ya Lynn. I too am an older lady and know exactly what you mean.

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YIPEE-----I have a Friend!!!


Actually Lynn, there are lots of us senior types on here. I was surprised to find out how many.


YEEHAA-----go oldies!!!


I took a picture of one of my babies, on his tummy, from the feet with his little butt sticking up. Then I put my nursery info on his bottom. (My nursery name is Snugglebuns Nursery). I did it on It’s pretty self explanatory. I did it myself, with no help, and I’m not very tech savvy. Some designs are free or you can custom design your own.


I do all my paperwork for my nursery through It is very easy there. I just go onto the internet and upload whatever pic I want for my Nursery and then make my own designs… I use their rack cards for my care instructions - upload my design on front and type in the care instructions on the back. I use their invitations for my birth certs…just pick a design and upload my photos, post cards I use to make thank you cards to go in the top of my box for when the new mom opens the box and I use address labels and just make them the birth cert stickers for the front of my envelops that the babies paperwork goes in…and to finish it out…a little matching sticker to seal the envelop, I also do an 'authentic looking birth cert that I print off my computer to go in as well…it is a really easy site to use to make your own designs and I always watch for the specials… I even made myself some t shirts and polos with my nursery name on them so I am a walking billboard…lol…great advertisement… :wink:


I’m a golden oldie as well. :heart:

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