Reason for Nursery Names

I ordered my business cards from vistaprint but never thought to use their products for everything else…
thanks Starr! :smile:

I use ChickeeDee Tree Nursery just for business cards and on my eBay format. We have a few large trees in our yard and a bird feeder that the Chickadees feed at, so I used that with my initial “Dee” for my nursery name. ~Diane Ditto on the oldie but goodie, Lynn and Helen.


My dad always called me Doodlebug. He passed just before I started reborning so I named my nursery Doodlebug Nursery as a way to bring him into it. As I got older, he shortened it to “Bug” but that’s another story. :wink:


Thank You Everyone for all the great info.

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You actually have multiple “friends” and some of them are even in your age group! (I am 69).


WOW, I’m lovin’ this-------Friends, Yay!!!


Lynn, that’s how I feel about this forum too. Old and young, it is so nice to meet with everyone here where everybody understands about our dolls, rejoices in our successes, and commiserates on our boo boos and failures. Hurray for BB Forum!

Boy am I glad I reread this before I entered it. I had written “commiserates on our boo bies” instead of boo boos. Can’t stop Lol-ing.




I’m an oldster here, too ~ 59 and grateful to still be able to see well enough to make babies :smile:

That’s too funny—LOLOLO!

I am with you on the eyesight business, Karen…I am 54 and like to blame the blond hair or the lighting but hmmmmmm? Was just recently told I have now graduated to bi-focal contact lens or glasses…lol How exciting!

Found this poem on the internet…thought is sounded like something I may need to incorporate into my night time prayers…lol

Prayer for Senility:

God grant me the senility
to forget the people I never liked anyway,
the good fortune to run into the ones I do,
and the eyesight to tell the difference.

and also found this one I thought was so funny …

A Little Mixed Up

Just a line to say I’m living,
that I’m not among the dead
Though I’m getting more forgetful,
and mixed up in my head;

I’m used to my arthritis,
To my dentures I’m resigned.
I can manage my bifocals,
But, Oh Boy, I miss my mind.

Sometimes I don’t remember,
At the bottom of the stairs
Was I going up for something?
or just coming down from there.

And before the fridge so often,
my poor mind is filled with doubt–
Have I put the food away . . .
Or come to take some out?

There are times when it is dark
And my nightcap’s on my head
I don’t know if I’m retiring,
or just getting out of bed;

So if it’s my turn to write you,
There’s no need in getting sore,
I may think I have written
And I don’t want to be a bore.

Please remember that I love you,
And I wish that you were here;
But now it’s nearly mail time,
So I’ll say goodbye, my dear.

Now I stand here by the mailbox,
With my face so very red,
Instead of mailing you my letter,
I have opened it instead!


Exaggerated, but so true! I can’t tell you how many times I find myself with the fridge door open wondering why I came there. LOL


I just hate running up the stairs only to forget what I ran up the stairs for. :confused: :stuck_out_tongue:


No. You don’t have to ‘buy’ your nursery name. Like someone else said, I’d just type it up in google to make sure it’s not taken. If someone has listed a baby under their ‘nursery name’, it should pop up. I use and I don’t pay anything for it, however, I paid to have my website designed to what ‘fit’ myself and my nursery :smile:

I’ve been thinking about doing this as well. Vista Print is fairly cheap!

I had shirts made too. Not through vista print though. I had them made through a guy on Etsy. He did an amazing job!


Hi Lynn,
I just went through this myself. I live in calif. I’m an illustrator for children stories, and my characters are called Teardrop kids. I wanted to go with Teardropkids reborn nursery, but the name was taken. Just google the name you want. I found out that, if you are going into business, you have to post a ficticious name statement in the paper, and it costs money. To get around all the legal do’s and don’t’ s, use your own name in your nursery name… Blah blah blah nursery by Lynn … And you are set. No charge, no worries! I was concerned that if I picked a name previously used, and they sucked at this art, i would be setting myself up for failure. Hope this helps. :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much that is a really big help. I don’t want to have a business just a hobby, If I happen to sell a doll along the way well—good for me but it is not my priority. I would like to have a name so I can get some business cards so I can give them out if anyone asks. I am old so I just don’t understand so many things in this day and age. I don’t think I would ever have the nerve to try to sell anything on ebay with all the scammers out there. When I need instructions about things I have to have EXACT steps cause I am NOT computer literate. Thanks again, much appreciated.

I am not much with a computer, either, but these guys will walk you through anything you need to know. I have had pretty good experiences on ebay, but others have not. I did have one non payer. So far my time on has been very good. I am just a hobbyist too, although, so far, I’ve been able to sell every doll I’ve listed except the one that’s on reborns right now. She’s a boo-boo and people don’t want to drop money on her I guess. I made my own biz cards. (I used to work as a graphic artist) . It is my intent to take one of my dolls out in the community and hand out business cards to interested parties. I’m just too shy to do it so far. LOL. I might make a tee shirt to promote reborning and wear that when I take a baby out. Then I wouldn’t feel like I was making people think I was trying to trick them into believing it was a real baby. I don’t want to embarrass anyone.

I’ve thought about taking them out also but I just don’t have the nerve. I can’t even take them to babies R Us for a shopping spree. I guess I’m afraid people will look at me like I am a freak or something. Dolls have always been my passion but it’s one I keep to myself. Most adults think you just never grew up if you say anything about liking dolls unless you’re at a doll show or in a group of doll ladies.

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