REAL newbie contest entries are up :)

Looks like a lot of lovely babies are entered. I haven’t voted yet, but it looks like some “recruiting” might be going on??


I hope not seems how it is supposed to be a secret. It is one thing to say “I entered this contest… you should vote as well.” But not “My entry is #___ go vote for it” :confused:


You are supposed to vote on the baby that you feel is most skillfully reborned and not based on who the baby is painted by (even if it is a friend). Lara did post that the babies should not have been publicly shared, but sometimes that information is hidden in another post that all of th artists didn’t see. Behind the scenes solcitation for votes is not OK and hopefully that has not happened. The best baby should win. It is always hard to not vote for the cutest kit!v


Thanks I just know who a few are by the style it had nothing to do with anyone saying #_ is mine I just see a lot of ladies that post on here and I know the work.

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Wow! Some of these don’t look at all like newbies babies. Very nice!

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Thank you for hopping over here Lara :slight_smile:

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Hey, Lara! Welcome to BB!

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You were babyfia07 - too bad you forgot your log on, but you can go read your posts by typing “babyfia07” in the looking glass and scrolling to the bottom of what pops up and that is YOU!


I am entered in the newbie contest and just wanted to mention I will be out of town for a few days and away from internet. And my phone doesnt let me reply on here… dont know why…
:heart: Anyways so if anyone needs me or just plain wonders why I “disappear” that is why. :slight_smile: I think we will be back Friday. :heart:


Hi @Lara!!!:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

I showed my baby on Facebook and messaged before the contest is up to took my pictures off … I was told it was okay to let my pictures in the contest … So they are there … But just in case I took the pictures off my personal Facebook page … But I do think are happening some recruiting in the contest too @pia. …
Good Luck everyone !!!



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For Artist of the Month or Newbie?

I assumed you had made more than 10 babies so I am confused on which contest you mean.

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AOTM contest


AOTM has been pretty loose about the entries because it is a struggle to get enough to run a monthly contest. The AOTM babies CAN be shown as a WIP anywhere except on REAL, but aren’t supposed to be shown as a finished baby (that has happened too)! No worries!


Hi Lara! Don’t know if you remember me haha…haven’t been on REAL in awhile. I should go back and visit!

YOU - my sweet Izzy would be impossible to miss!


Aww thanks Pia…that made me smile! :slight_smile:


I can’t wait for the powders class!!! :heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️:heart:️

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Okay… one of you experienced ladies… how do I put the logos on my signature on REAL?
I am too tired and exhausted from 4 days away. 4 hours one way with 5 kids and the hubby is not fun. LOL

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@AmyR777, @pia, @Lara - thanks in advance :slight_smile:

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