REAL newbie contest entries are up :)

Just thought I would share and you guys can hop over and vote. :slight_smile:


Yay!! I’ll vote tonight!


Is it fair to vote if you can tell by looking who some of the babies belong to? Like I am almost 100% of the artist on at least 4 of the babies.


I know 2 for sure and a guess on others… so I am not sure. Also not sure if we can vote if we entered? Anyone know?


I did not enter! I had thought about it but I was working on the 10th by time it was posted and felt like it would not be as fair as some ladies who had only done a few. Goodluck to all who entered.


I think it is fine to vote whether you know the artist or not if you are voting for the baby and the artistry and not voting based on how much you like the artist…after all it is about the baby, right? It would only be unfair if your vote was based on how much you like the artist instead of what baby is the best in your opinion… :smile:


Hmmm. What if an artist has publicly posted their baby? I know I have seen one of them but would rather not say in case others do not know who it belongs to.


I noticed the same but I do not think she knew the rules. Or spaced that she had previously showed the baby.


The rules don’t say the baby can’t have been previously shown. It could be any baby you’ve made in the past year, so chances are if it’s a baby that someone made some time ago there’s bound to be lots of picture somewhere.


You are right. It was not stated that way. I asked her in a comment and she said that if we were entering she asked for us not to share pics anywhere until the contest was over.

But you would have had to read through the comments/pics/clip art/icons to see it. I prefer the set up of this forum compared to the busyness of that one.


Okay. Wasn’t sure. I know most don’t allow photos being shown. Good to know it’s okay. :smile:

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Yeah I’ve see that also on all the BB furm contests, and assumed it was that way on all the other forums too. I did notice it wasn’t specified on the REAL contest, but I just went with the BB format.


@pia or @AmyR777 can we vote if we entered?

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Yes, you can vote!

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Thanks for answering :slight_smile:

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How do we vote? Sorry if stupid question but I done see where I’m go to vote :flushed: I see all the cute babies :grin:

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When you’re signed in, you’ll see buttons at the top of the post to make your pick.


Thank you :grin: I wasn’t seeing it because I wasn’t logged in lol I voted


Yea! :smiley:

I voted :smile:

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