QUESTION: How much would you spend on your dream kit?

Ok, so im really seeing a lot of SOLE Kits sell for $$$, and at first i thought that was crazy…now im beginning to understand why. So my question is:

How much would YOU honestly spend on your dream kit if its a SOLE (sold out, limited edition) and you just had to have it?


Maybe about $150? I always feel a bit weird about really expensive kits, BB makes them quite cheaply and they’re great quality. So now I’m used to that and spending like $500 on just a kit seems so excessive. Even if it is a sold out limited edition one.

I’ve bought those German LDC kits before and even though I paid over $100 for them, they contained things like bubbles in the vinyl and the company didn’t see a problem with that.
Then I get a sale kit from BB for less than $20 and it’s just perfect.


I was on the search for long sold out hard to find stinker for a while and although I only paid 60 something I was willing to pay 150ish, but no higher


LOL, I almost spent 400 but then I said, more kits will come. so 200.

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I have paid $350 for a SOLE before and if it was one I really, really had to have I could see paying more as long as you have the money and do not need to take a loan out for it go for it, can’t take the money with us when we die might as well enjoy it.


Lol I think I would have done it too, ughhh so terrible.

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Since this is a (somewhat) hypothetical question, and I (hypothetically, you understand lol), have unlimited amounts of money, mine would be any Romie Strydom silicone and I would pay whatever the asking price was.


Around $200.00 I guess. I’d have to have my bills paid off for the month before I do it. I want to do a child sized kit this year. They are around that price. I just have to get stuff in order 1st then I can finally get my dream kit. Bills > Fun


AMEN :raised_hands:t4: I say the same thing. Hell…YOLO, right?!? As long as you are not breaking the bank, and it’s something you really want, I say go for it!


So one of my all time favorite sculptors is Andrea Arcello, and her custom silicone Magdalene was on my radar for $7500!!! But they sold out…its bitter sweet because I was tempted to “buy now”…almost pulled the trigger…almost! Lol


I totally agree with you…get the most important stuff out of the way first, then go have fun and splurge on your dream kit!!!

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I was thinking the same way at first. Why would I spend more money when I can get a nice kit for $40? Then I started to venture out and see these Ultra rare, SOLE kits, and I started to fall in love with them. I go to see how much they are, and get smacked in the face with their price tags. But you have to admit…there is a baby out there that BB never sold/have that you love

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Honestly, I haven’t fallen in love with a kit enough to justify paying more than the original sale price. SOLE or not, I just can’t lol If I were to pay the outrageous prices, it would have to be a pretty special kit, I think. But hey, I have trouble making myself pay regular prices on kits to begin with haha. But I’m super cheap and love getting a good deal on stuff! Typically when I shop, I only buy things from the clearance racks, or if it’s on sale. Either that or if it’s really cheap to begin with :joy:


For me, since I’m a super amateur reborn artist and keep all my dolls, I spent $75 on my dream kit, BB Twin B, and that’s my max right now. However, if/when I become a much better painter I can see spending $150 max on a kit I fall in love with.

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Listen…Im super thrifty, then im also the one to splurge. You will find me in the clearance sections first…! Im a serial thrifter…but i will go crazy and drop major $$$ on something i must have. I look for the deals first lol

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It’s a true addiction, I search the Web before sleep and when I wake up. :joy:

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I did pay over $400 for Livia. I did not mean to, I thought I am placing bid in $ but in was in euros…ouch. And then i found I do not really love her at all, I liked her enough but prefer my Lilian.


Oh, totally. There’s two kits actually, haha.
But right now I just don’t have the funds for things like that. And I’m not that good yet. I’d rather get more kits for the same price, so I have more opportunity to practice.
Add to that that one is a toddler and the other a child. I don’t even know where to keep them. :joy:

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So far I haven’t run across one that I would throw out mega bucks for. I might feel differently if I actually had a productive money tree though. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


OMG! What kit was that?