QUESTION: How much would you spend on your dream kit?

I’ve been lucky so far and found 4 of my dream kits, each for under $200. Oddly enough the one I wanted the most and was willing to pay an outrageous price for turned out to be the least expensive. They’ve taken a while to find, passing up some crazy prices, but they were worth the wait.


Yes, I’m really going to be patient and wait for my dream kits.

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Which one (s) are you waiting to find?

Right now im waiting for Harper by andrea Arcello…but im not trying to break the bank for her either. There is one up…but its $600 just for the kit, and imo…thats EXTREMLY inflated!!

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I have bought two kits for $250 each. They were kits I felt I had to have but don’t know that I would go any higher.

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Were these keepers or were you able to sell them enough to make it worth it?

Keepers, Dolls that are especially special dolls to me will one day be left for my granddaughters such as these.

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I just saw Quinlynn on ebay for about $1999 reborned, and the kit for $2400!!! Wowzers :flushed::neutral_face:

Lol makes me sad.

I have decided to stop being spoiled and I don’t need really expensive kits. There are so many kits coming out, it is out of control to pay that much for a kit. I have itches here and there, but I am going to try my best not to spend over 200 on a

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I feel the same way. When I have the money to buy, I generally end up buying a (or 2) BB kit from my wish list.


Agreed! The people who sell these outrageous priced kits buy 5 or more at a time (if no kit limit)…wait until they are all sold out, then put them on ebay for crazy amounts. Its so unfair. I dont think buying a kit for $120 then reselling for $2000 makes since for the seller, and the buyer. I wont be a fool!

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Oh holy hell no! Lol
I’d have to past on even my most coveted kit for that price. I wonder if she’s getting any interested parties.

So there are about 47 people watching :eyes:

Harper Arcello is on ebay for $450 right now… I could never. Every time I get ready to buy an expensive kit (so far, around $200 has been the limit), I add up how many BB kits I could have instead and that’s usually enough to stop me. :joy:

I just saw it. It was originally listed for $585…she brought the price down. $450 is still too much for that kit. I like it…but not for that price. I know there are some really rare kits that sell for high dollar…but I don’t think this one is one of them. I will wait until it comes down again!!! Thanks for looking out for me…you guys are really awesome :hugs::heart:️:hugs::heart:

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If I wasn’t saving for Christmas right now, I would have bought the Miracle LLE kit I saw for 300. She would have been a keeper baby (all of my LLEs are.) However, I am ok with not buying because I know more cute kits are coming all the time.

I spent $1850 on mine and still haven’t had a chance to paint her. Charlotte FBS by Emily Jameson. :scream:

Is that a silicone kit?

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I can totally see spending that for a fbs, i see some going for twice as much or more, but not for a vinyl kit…it would have to be like a limited edition of 2 lol.