Punishment for being nice

I do not like customs, refuse to take them unless it’s from a prior customer who is easy to work with.

So anyway, I got roped into one a while back before I realized how annoying they are. This woman was wishy washy on what she wanted to a point where I told her to think about it for a day or so and get back to me. 20 emails later, we get the details hammered out and I collect a deposit.

The price that I agreed to was old pricing. I get anywhere from $25-$75 more per doll now. I ended up having to order the kit and body at full price, so basically I’m making nothing here. Only doing this because I agreed to.

She knew she was getting a fantastic deal, but wouldn’t leave me alone. All these emails and she kept asking for stuff. Last time she requested a lovey instead of a toy. I agreed, hoping that would be the end of it. Tonight it was another email requesting the baby be sent in a warm, fuzzy blanket instead of my standard receiving blanket.

I went to PayPal and send that non refundable deposit back so quick and sent her a quick email wishing her the best in finding an artist to provide her with a perfect baby along with the sun, moon, and stars for next to nothing because that artist would not be me.

I have a full price kit that I don’t need on the way, but oh well. Lesson learned. Never again.


Wow. I’m sorry that happened to you. But, you go girl! Set those boundaries! I’m sure a nice, normal client will come along soon.:slightly_smiling_face:


Sorry you went through all of this. I probably would have did the same. This is why I rarely do customs anymore, don’t sell dolls in WIP/before they complete, & am VERY reluctant to sell to new people.

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Why don’t you sell while still WIP? Do people use that to bother you? And if i could, I would only sell to previous clients too, but I don’t have any that are hoarders yet. Lol

Some of them are so nice. Some people I really have enjoyed dealing with, but every once in a while, I just have to get one that just makes me not want to list anything for a minute.


Well I had impatient customers, some wanting changes made (to my own work mind you), exchanges for different dolls and such & it got overwhelming & I decided stop.

I know!

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Oh no. I could not be bothered with all that either! This is supposed to be fun and relaxing. Without dealing with people, it is. :joy:


Good for you for getting out of that deal. Sounds like it was going to be an endless mess. :flushed:


That’s what I was afraid of… that it would just be endless. Some people you can not make happy, and over time I have learned that it’s better to not try. The headache is not worth it on a higher end doll, so definitely not worth it for this.


I hate that happened to you, and I am sure you will be able to make a beautiful kit out of the one you have coming that someone else will love. I understand and I get people who want reborns contacting me, but they want them for under $200, free shipping and a head full of hair, with extras. That’s just not doable and it sucks that they don’t think of the time put into them. Best of Luck!

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I agree that my experience with customs has been somewhat negative. I quoted a price, and then she wanted specific hair and the most expensive eyes I’ve ever seen. The kit itself was not on sale, so I didn’t profit much at all with far more aggravation than if I were making it to please myself. Part of the creativity involved is compromised when you are taking orders from someone.


None of us are alone on this. A lot artists are refusing customs, especially the middle to higher end artists.


I’m glad you got out of that deal!

All some people want is literally EVERYTHING wrapped up in a big pretty bow! :roll_eyes:


EVERYTHING wrapped up in a big bow for practically free. :confused:


Glad you stepped back .

She can make one for herself .

When I do customs they choose kit, skin tone, eye color, and hair color. The rest is up to me. They get a picture when it’s done unless they want it to be a surprise.


Dolly, that is why, I guess, that I have not had any aspirations to sell any of my dolls. So far, they are not good enough for me to put out to sell. And, I didn’t know about the other garbage that people try to subject you to. So, I guess I am happy that I do it just for my self. :wink:


Sorry you had to deal with that! Custom order people can be so ridiculous. It’s really tough. Good for you for doing what you did. I bet she is wishing she wasn’t so pushy now and I’m sure she is regretting it!


I don’t know if I could do customs…I think it would stress me out way too much. I like what @jeanhai does, that would be far less stressful, I should think.


Oh man, you guys would have torn me apart when I ordered my first custom lol :rofl: thankfully the artist put up with me and it lead to working together again down the line, but I was definitely indecisive at first.


It was a smart decision to get out of it. That is why I dont do costums. I just agree to one with a returning client, but before I agree to make her baby doll I let her know what were my terms. I do my dolls when I can, I like to have the freedom to create, and once we have agree in something there would no be changes. She only chose the kit, the hair color and requested a magnet in the head. My husband ask me how do I still have clients after I’m so mean?:joy: Now I have a dream client.
We can’t be afraid to put our foot down. If they come to us, is because they like our work. Work that we have done without pressure!!!