Punishment for being nice


When I started I sold my dolls on ebay auction starting them for $99. The people who bought them knew they were getting a bigginers dolls so they were not demanding. I was able to sell them for $120-$200 atleast break even. I sell my dolls to support my hobby :wink: I have lost count of how many dolls I have sold and I have only deal with one dificult client and it was a custom. Don’t be afraid to sell just don’t do customs untill you are 100% sure you are ready. This is a expensive hobby it always help to sell something.


I love your response!! You did the right thing.

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Sorry to hear about that but good for you for quick exit!!

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Those were her choices. She kept contacting me for free upgrades.

Maybe not. I have had plenty of customers that did not know exactly what they wanted. I have plenty of patience to answer questions and give them time to make decisions.

This woman was all over the map as far as wants. 20 emails hardly clarified anything. This was when I really started feeling uneasy and told her to take some time to figure put what she wanted. The last thing I wanted was to be painting an olive skin, dark haired baby and have her try to change this to fair skin, lighter hair, not being happy when I couldn’t.

The icing on the cake was all of these emails asking for extra things… extra details, upgraded toy, upgraded blanket. All of this despite knowing that she was paying minimum price and that I was not really making anything.

After all of this, I was just done. I’m patient to am extent, but there are limits. Perhaps if I was selling thousand dollar dolls, I would learn to tolerate a bit more, but at the $300-$400 level that I typically sell (less than $300 on this deal), it’s not worth it.


Good for you. Sure you avoided a huge headache down the road. My old neighbor is an artist. I asked if he would paint “the master bedroom” by Andrew Wyeth for me. He politely told me no-in his own words. He assured me that I would not be happy with the end result, knowing his style was so different than what I was looking for. He said when he paints it just happens. I now understand what he means.


This is such a shame that people take advantage. I’m the type of person that is SO grateful for things and people’s kindness to me. I try to live a Godly life and anyone that has love and kindness is just my heart. I’m so sorry that happened to you.

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She’s been emailing me, but I am so done. Just finished this one:

And am finishing up this one. Still need to add lashes and details. I broke my nails and tore up my fingers putting her together.


You do beautiful work! I especially like the sleeping baby. She’s quite stunning!

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They are beautiful!!

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This is why I’m so hesitant to do customs! I would much rather work at my own pace and show pictures of what I have for sale. The right person will come along. If they ask for something different from what I’m offering, I politely send links to where they can buy the “extras.” :slight_smile:


Right! Customs takes the fun out of it for me. I like coming up with my own ideas. And quite often, the vision I start with changes before the final project. I like to create as I go. And I don’t want to be locked into someone else’s vision.


Ya’ll won’t believe this, but this woman is still emailing me asking if we are going to continue, telling me that all she did is get excited and email too much ect, ect.

I sent her an email outlining the problem, I clearly explained that this would not work. I refunded 100% of the deposit, so ???

She’s starting to sort of remind me of the leading lady in Fatal Attraction. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


I would just no longer respond to her after that last email.


Can you block her?

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I was trying to figure out how to do that, but didn’t see an option. Maybe I’ll have to jump on my laptop or something. I am using my phone at the moment.

That is why I would not do customs. I make a doll, take photos and list it. That way people can see what it looks like and they can take it or leave it. If they want toys or different blankets, clothing they can just buy them. If you spend half a day answering questions and dealing with people, nothing else gets done.


if she starts talking about a bunny, RUN!!! (Fatal Attraction) LOL LOL


When she kept carrying on, all I could think was bunny boiler. Run!!! Lol I hate to see what would happen to a man that broke up with her. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:


HAHAHA!! “bunny boiler” LOL… that was such a good movie, but wouldn’t want that lady as a buyer :slight_smile: