Proudly supporting knock offs? Ugh

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Wow…I wonder if she used heatset paints. Who knows what kind of chemicals those dolls have in them.


Gross behavior. “it’s perfectly legal”. She seems so sure of that…

I hate the “oh, but what about the poor people?” argument. There’s so many dolls out there. If someone desperately wants a cute lifelike baby doll, there’s plenty of brands that sell perfectly legal dolls that are adorable and so much cheaper.
Like Antonio Juan:

Or look at what Llorens makes, how cute are these?


A BB kit on sale is the same price as an Amazon knock off- and if you’re just going to repaint it anyway… :woman_facepalming:t2:



Yeah but that one is a Bonnie brown sculpt. Everybody wants one. (Heavy sarcasm)


“Poor people deserve reborns too!” They are a luxury item. Not a necessity. If you cant afford to buy one, don’t buy one. Or save until you can. Thats like saying that i should by a knock off Lamborghini because i cant afford a real one. Because everyone deserves one, right?


So cringe…anything to justify…


What a shame…
They don’t think about or just don’t care that the sculptors might go out of business because of it😞

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What i saw of the comments, it was people calling her out and her defending herself with stupid reasons. I wish i took screenshots of that as well but i already reported her for selling fakes and blocked her account.


I don’t have Facebook but I’m still able to see some things if it’s not set to private. I read the comments and screenshot. Her argument and “research” is baseless. Even if the doll’s vinyl wasn’t harmful, she’s endorsing thievery

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This has been something that’s been driving me insane. People have been trying to change what a reborn doll is. As long as the manufactured doll is of a legitimate source and hand painted by an artist, it’s a legitimate reborn. You can’t change the rules just because there are now kits made specifically for it.

This knock off doll is a reborn but it’s still an illegal one.


Ah yes, China has the molds and legally makes them. That’s why they also magically sell kits that were originally produced in Germany…


The arrogance of this woman is appalling. She asks if we would be upset if it was a knock off purse instead. Why, YES, yes I would. Stealing is stealing, doesn’t matter what it is.


What a clueless idiot!


Disgusting ,

Since Christmas on my local FB marketplace more and more fakes are showing up. Started in January and how to moths gone by more and more popes up. Majority is very ugly.

Sad , but not much we can do .People like this will never learn.

KARMA !! hoping for it

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I agree that she is clueless although she does say that she doesn’t paint them to sell so there is that… sad that she tries to justify it as being okay…

Except she advertises her knockoffs and also says she’s saving lots of money and now customers can have cheaper dolls…so I don’t believe her that she won’t sell them


Every knockoff to date has been proven to be less quality. I t has also put small companies on their knees. Purse, clothes, drawings, coats, toys, electronic, the list is endless. Whatever it is, it is never ok to buy knockoff. It’s illegal and unethical. Armful to our own economy.
Yes kits are mostly produced in China, but sculptors are from all around the world.


she blatantly doesn’t care that the sculptors are now having to compete with their own work because the knockoffs can be priced so much cheaper!
I wish someone would do it to her and see how she likes having her “hard work” stolen away and nothing she can do about it.