Primary vs flesh colors

I really want to try the primary method but I’m scared to try something new. Money is tight right now so even the sale kits are a lot for me. I don’t have test parts to experiment on so I’m just working on regular kits and hoping they turn out ok but this keeps me from experimenting and getting better. I guess I need to bite the bullet and buy a cheap kit to have for testing. Anyway I think I need a push to give it a try. The next kits I’m starting are grant and elliott for my daughter for Easter so if I try the primary and it doesn’t work out I have two kits to strip. I have two others I’m making now but those were already started with flesh colors. So if you wouldn’t mind would you post whether you use airdry or ghs, if you use primary or flesh colors, if you varnish before painting, and include a picture of your work so I can see the skin. Also if you do primary how many rounds of color do you usually use. That’s not too much to ask right lol.


I don’t do primary but I don’t do any flesh tones either unless I have to. I use different mottles and washes to create depth, not just red blue and yellow but other colors too. This is my last baby. I use GHSP, and don’t varnish before painting.


I use Liquitex, Primary Method, no priming the kit. I use however many I need to achieve the skin tone I want, average about 8, I guess.


This is a primary baby, However I build a lot of color with primary mottling, and undertones are necessary. I also don’t do flesh tones.


When you say primary mottling are you just using the 3 basic colors to mottle? I currently do about 3 or 4 mottle layers in purple, blue, blood red. I just feel like my babies need more depth.

This baby is flesh layers, mottling layers, blue, yellow, purple undertones, more flesh, blushing, creasing. I don’t know I just see everyone elses babies and feel like I need to do more.


I do red mottling 2 layers, blue mottling 1 layer, yellow mottling 1 layer, 2 shades of purple mottling, sometimes a layer of bubblegum pink mottling, sometimes turquoise mottling, green mottling etc. I do washes in the same colors too. And of course undertones and veins and all the normal stuff like creases.


Thank you, your baby is lovely. I need to just start experimenting. It’s such an expensive hobby I’m always scared to mess up.

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Thank you. I get what you mean, I’m scared too even after so many years I don’t want to mess any of them up. Do you use GHSP or air dry? I wrote down and took pics every step with this baby, if you want I can pm you that :slight_smile:


I would love that! I, too, feel like I’ve only done 2 or 3 that look just right

The only thing I see that maybe you need deeper are the creases. :slight_smile: I do pretty deep creasing. BUT not everyone likes it or thinks it’s natural. I love them.

I would try and stay away from the flesh paints as they can keep your kit from deepening. I do many layers of mottling. reds, pinks, purples, yellows, lavenders keep going.
If it’s too stark don’t bake, when all is dry rub them down lightly to blend. Your’s is Adorable !!!


I have done 1 baby with the primary method – only blue, red, and yellow. It took many, many layers. My baby ended up somewhat darker than I had hoped, but that was because I kept adding layers when I should have stopped! :slight_smile: I will probably do another one at some point. It did kind of boring just doing all the layers over, and over, and over. But, it will give you any shade of skin you want, once you learn when to stop. :slight_smile: I use air dry, by the way. I use WaterBorne from Hunnybun supplies. They are great, IMO. She also has very reasonable prices, and if she doesn’t have a color you want, she will make it for you. :slight_smile:

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I love your skin tones on this beautiful baby.

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Thank you :slight_smile:

Would you please PM me with that skin tone. I would love to try that! Thank you!

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Sent it :slight_smile:

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If you were to mix the red blue and yellow together it turns into the umber color. I really prefer the primary colors.

It’s a nasty brown color lol. I tried it and really didn’t care for it but I do love burnt umber :slight_smile:
Maybe I had a bit more yellow than I should have. :thinking:

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Be careful with more yellow in red+yellow+ blue mix. In one of my babies it showed up as too yellow, even if it didn’t look that yellow in a mix. But I like it when it’s a right combination and use it all the time (ha-ha-ha, I should say all 5 times!). I am curious to try yours burnt umber wash instead of it. Do you dilute it a lot?

My washes are not too diluted. Next time I mix one I will post it :slight_smile:

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I remember that you call yourself a “heavy painter”. :rofl:

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