Prep primer

Hi ladies, I hope all of you are having a safe and great day. I spend alot of time now on my babies. I love it. But, I have a question, what do you think the best prep primer is ?. I find this so confusing. I am working with golden air dry acrylics and I love them. I’ve been using folkart glass and tile and you have to be quick pouncing or it dries fast. I do everything by sections but sometimes it pebbles up or accumulates too much. The ears are the hardest. I’d be so forever greatful for your knowledge on this matter. Thank you hugs and kisses to you all.


I would not recommend using the glass and tile. I had a bad issue with it causing the paint to peel off my dolls even after the recommended cure time. I lost about 5 completed dolls due to this as it took time for them to start peeling.

Personally I do not use a prep primer with my air dry paints. I scrub my kit with dawn dish soap and a toothbrush or face scrub brush. Then I let it dry for at least 24 hours. I have not had any issues painting this way. I use Waterborne paints.


I just want to mention that people who used to recommend the glass and tile medium no longer recommend it. It had some problems, but I am not sure exactly what they were. I use Waterborne Paints, and I use the primer that goes with those paints.

I use glass and tile and so far have had no problems with it. I dont pounce it on. I use a cosmetic sponge and wipe it on. That way it goes on thin and doesnt dry too quickly.

I use RebornFX primer from MacPhersons. I find it to be the best.
My 2nd choice is Golden Fluid Matte Medium. It can be used as a translucent ground (primer).

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Hi Debbie, I think your right I should just lay it thin on the baby with a cosmetic wedge. Maybe the people who don’t like it are using something that clashes with the folkart medium. Thanks for your response.

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Sure :slight_smile:

I used Folk Art with Waterborne and about 2 months later the paint started peeling. Happened about 3 different times and I was done. I did live at the beach at that time. I no loger use it

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RebornFX from MacPherson’s Crafts in Canada.

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Can ghsp people use this as a primer?

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Yes. Let it cure over night so the odorless thinner does not lift it up while curing. I have used RebornFX under babies I combo painted with Genesis and air dry paints many times. I say this all the time but die hard heat setters have a hard time accepting it LOL!

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Your so awesome @anjsmiles ! Always a wealth of information. :heart::heart::heart: I’ll add some to my next macps order :kiss:

Lmao@die hard heat setters :joy::joy::joy:

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