Powder question

I put in pan pastels to get the product. The colorless blender I bought at Jerry’s.


That is a worry; I thought they suppose to stain the vinyl.

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Just bought the portrait set of 20 to test the waters. Just watched the video… these look awesome! Thanks, @DDDolly!

Edited to add that you can get all of this on Amazon. They have all of the colors, extra tools, everything.

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Will you show which one you ordered or the price? There are so many! And @honojane

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@DDDolly I have some questions now. I already invested about $75 in these last night (along with the Golden Satin Liquid) probably should have check them out more first but I got them on the way anyways. I did some research and couldn’t find the answers but since you say you call and ask companies questions I thought you might have checked on this.

Do we know what is in these that makes them creamy and that it is not an oil based or wax based binder?

Are these totally compatible to being painted over the top of them with acrylic paints? Or do you just use them last and seal them? I want to make sure they do not hinder the curing and adhesion of my air dry paints. One of the main things I hear from people who have used other types powders (Particularly the eye shadows) is that the paints will lift off or crack over them over time sometimes. I want to make sure that does not happen with the Pan Pastels so if you could please explain exactly how you have been using them.


I had already ordered the set of 20 from ■■■■ blick for around $70… it was the portrait set which has a lot of flesh tones. Only after that did I go to Amazon and see that they had all of this stuff, so I ordered a blue and magenta for about $7 each, a colorless blending powder for around $9, then extra tools for $5. @Nikkiroc


Since I am obviously the type to buy now and ask questions later, I am wondering about something too… Is it possible to do a whole doll in these? Hmmm. Can’t seem to find any kind of tutorials because I’m not on Facebook. :confused:

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@lara is having a powders class right now:-) ask @TanyaT :grinning:

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I need a powders class in my life. Lol The only way it would work is if it was self paced. There is no way my two year old would guarantee me a specific time at specific intervals. :smile:


It is totally self paced!!!


I thought so too. But I guess it’s just the sealer that makes them stay in place. I hope I didn’t mislead anyone. I am going to try the pan pigments now after all the conversations about these causing problems down the line.


It depends on how you apply them. If they are really worked into the vinyl they can stain it. If just brushed on they can be washed off. Also some colors are more prone to stain than others.


I want all these things!!! :weary::weary::weary: why isn’t my money tree growing??? :cactus::palm_tree::dollar::money_with_wings::moneybag::credit_card:


Thank you Deb! But I am good, I just complain because I want it all!!! Lololol :wink:


But please @DDDolly I can ALWAYS use a prayer or 2:-) :heart:️ but for my happiness, I’ll pick that over a money tree! :kiss:

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You just made my night ! Thank you! :kiss:

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Sweet dreams Deb! :zzz::sleeping::hugs:

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@honojane is this the one?

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Or this?

I figured the colorless blender would work for the things it does for colored pencil. I always use a colorless blender for smoothing pencils on artwork so I couldn’t resist buying it for the pastels as well. I’m excited about these.