Powder question

Any of you guys who are using powders… Have you had any trouble with your creases getting too dark due to a lack of colors to select from? Has anyone put washes of GHSP over your unsealed powders? Do the powders make anyone besides me cough? Should we maybe wear masks when using them?


i havent started using poweders yet. i have the question as to how are the powders sealed?


I used the wine color for creases and it was fine. Don’t forget to brush/wipe off excess.
I used GHSP over them no problem.
No coughing.

Sue-Ellen says you can seal them with Genesis heat set varnishes or Plaid Folk-art Outdoor Matte Sealer.


I will be doing a toddler in the next few days, and will let you know about the coughing. I have a lot of allergies, so I hope it is not a problem. I will be using GHSP to go over my powder painting.

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I used the powder for the first time last week and it worked very well for me. I can’t speak on GHSP because I use air dry paints. I used the Miracle Blend sealer over the powder and have tested it a few times and it is by no means rubbing off. It did not make me cough, but if you are having a problem I would suggest to wear a mask. I haven’t try this yet, but if your color is too dark I would assume you can mix the powder with a lighter one to make it a softer color.

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i thought in sue ellens tutorial, she uses a premixed crease color when she does her creases using this method? i think its on the first part where she starts the details on the head, where it shows a pic of what looks like authentic reborn crease mix(its a purpley color and its in a pot like genesis). and the instructions attached to that pic says, now is the time u would do your creases, or something similiar to that anyways. i guess u can use the powders for the creases, ill have to look at that tut again to be sure


this is the color she is using for creases and says on this pic, “at this point, paint your creases as you normally would”
i did order my powders today and went by sue ellens list of recommended colors but i also added a few more that i seen that might be useful. i am so excited to try this out and am curious what others are doing with their creases using this method too.

Yes, in that tutorial she does. However, you can use the powders to do them if you wish. She has said this on her FB group page when asked. As long as you seal them, you can use the powders for as much or as little of you coloring you want. She also has photos on her page of a baby she did entirely with powders except for priming it with Genesis matte varnish before she started and sealed at the end.


Thanks everybody. I think i am going to have to wash my Irelyn off and start over. Looking at that pretty baby she made, I see that I have been very heavy handed with the powders. Oh well, all my paint has been baked so I’ll just give her a bath and do it again better. The powders are really fun to work with, so I don’t mind. I think I’ll order her pallette of colors though. I bought a collection and most of the colors are very bold.

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Keep in mind that some of the powder colors will lift off when you apply more paint layers and do the final sealing. Things have to be adjusted along the way some. You may need to touch the more slight shallow creases up some after applying more color layers as the paint can pull color out. Just fix them at the end before you seal.

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Well, she’s stripped down to her genesis layers and drying for a second go. The powders wash off nicely with warm water and dawn detergent. (Obviously before they are sealed.) This second time around I’m going for finesse!


I too am trying out the powders with GHSP. So far I really like them. Also trying them on creases etc. I bought the colors that I thought would be useful and so far they are. Agree with ‘anjsmiles’ re adjusting colors as you go.
Btw, they sent a free gift of blush which my daughter has claimed and loves. (from Coastal Scents).


Lara has a powders class coming up, it includes the powders. I am excited to try this!!!

Sorry, I am still new to this. What kind of powder and what its suppose to be used for and why? Any info on it? thanks so much

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Search powders… I wish I could help you but I can’t! I just know I want to learn!! @honojane can fill you in!

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Thank you very much. I wish i could find more info of why should i use them what do they do and how to use them

Using powder pigments is just another way of “painting” your dolls. I use Genesis paints to establish my flesh tones and mottling, and powder pigments to shade and blush my dolls. It works very nicely for me. There is a lot of discussion on here that you should read before deciding to use this technique because it is a bit controversial with several people insisting that the powder pigments do not seal completely. But basically this is what you do. You rub the pigments, brush and wipe off any residue, and seal the powders with matte or satin varnish. The powders without the sealer will not be permanent. If you have any specific questions, I’d be glad to answer, but read all the powder posts on here and you may get them all answered. The tutorials Sue-Ellen Taormina has amazing technical information on her facebook site and most people start there.


Thank you so much for this

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Top R hand corner near your sig picture, magnifying glass, search ‘using powders’.


Thanks so much