Powder question

I put Sue-Ellens last name on the post. It’s Taormina. I don’t use all of Sue Ellens techniques. I have adapted the powders to my own style. This is why I suggest everyone start with Sue-Ellens tutorials.


I think I read somewhere that some uses the ghsp thinning medium to seal the powders over the ghsp. Would that work? I am not real find of the rough feeling of the matte sealer.

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Yes that will work.

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Thank you

What air dry sealers will work on powders? I tried some folk art and it lifted the color and made it peel…

Thank you!


Could you give me a link to the right product? I can’t seem to find it.


Thanks! So you put it in a spray bottle, right?

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They should of told us to order the sure bond! I was just about to join the class, but if I need the sure bond… I will wait. I hate taking classes and not having everything I need:-(


What does she say to use if not sure bond?

You can use most any kind of air dry sealer and cut it with water and spray it on to seal. Just be sure that if you plan to continue painting that your sealer is one that can be painted over. Some of the air dry varnishes on the market say not to paint over them.


@DDDolly, I do not use the powders for reborning (I tried them over a year ago and didn’t like them)
, so I am not sure why you included me in this post, but I have no idea what you are talking about regarding “mail”. :question:


thank you for the info. I got rid of my Coastal Scents a while back. The only powders I have been using are the Baby FX. I have had reservations about the makeup powders because I have noticed some having issues with them. I like some of the Baby FX powders but not all them. I ordered some of the Pan powders last night to try. Dickblick has a good sale that ends to day, $10 off $69 and free shipping if order total is over $69.


Could one of you post a link straight to the powders you are talking about? I go to ■■■■ Blick and can’t find them. All I can find is Pearl-X powders and I know those don’t come in pans…


I found it! Thanks. Okay, now to pick your brain. If you’ve already answered these then please redirect me to your answers before. I was sold when I heard they had lightfast ratings like watercolors.

What colors would you recommend me buying…not the short list, but the BIG list! ?
What mediums do you use. (I haven’t looked at these yet so I’m not sure what I’m talking about. I just noticed they had some.)
I’m going to go watch the video. BRB.
Thanks for your help. I always want to find the best and least wasteful methods. This one sounds very promising. (You are spending ALL my dolly money, darn it! LOL)


Thanks so much Debby. This will probably do it. Let me go see if I can afford to buy it. I need to sell my doll on reborns!! Otherwise I’ll have to stop all this fun re-investing I’ve been doing.


Bought! I found a good deal on Amazon for the bulk of it though. (I like to use it because there shipping is instantaneous!) Also have to get my moneysworth out of my “Prime” membership.
I ended up buying the extra stuff from Jerry’s artarama. I have an easier time with their checkout procedure than I do at Blicks. I like both though. Thanks for all your help Debby. You have brought me into the art world of this century! Lots of new things are happening, aren’t they. I love the availability of new and better materials.


@honojane prey tell!


@TanyaT I bought the 20 color portrait set that DDdolly suggested. Then I went to Jerry’s and bought some extra colors…magenta…blue…again as suggested. I bought the colorless blender because I thought it might be useful, but not sure for what.

@Nikkiroc :Pray tell what? What I bought?


Yes! @honojane how did you find it on Amazon? I’m not sure what to do with colorless blender either!

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