Please Help Me Pick!...UPDATE! "Jackie's Beanstalk Babies" is the name of my new nursery! Thank you everyone for all your help!

If you are wanting a template to sell your babies on places like Ebay, etc…there are several ladies that do them and youcan actually buy them from them over the internet and they send them to your email…If you put “Reborn doll sales templates” in your search engine on Ebay, you should be able to find some that you like…I have a lady in the UK do mine…they are really pretty but will have to see if she is still doing them…If so I will post a link to her site…I have not bought one from her in a few years…

For a website, there are several out there that are free… is one that I use and find it very easy to negotiate through even if you don’t really know much about designs…there are others as well that are free and I will see if I can post some other options as well…There are also paid websites like Google and others so it is just up to you if you want to use a free site…Google tends to make sure that you get the best exposure if you use their services but the others work well too…it just takes a little longer for you to come up in searches unless someone has your actual website address…but there are ways to get around that…lol I always suggest signing up on Pinetrest…You can post your babies there as well as your website…you can even put your website address on every photo you post if you want to…you get lots of exposure and the more people who pin your pictures the more you will find that they start showing up in Google images when people are searching reborn photos so if your website is listed on the photos…people will follow it to your site…

If you haven’t done it yet, use vista print or others and have business cards made up as soon as you have your site up and running and make sure your site is on the business cards…You can hand those out when you are shopping for baby clothes and someone makes a comment about “someone must have had a baby or twins or whatever”…you just whip out a card and tell them to go have a look…Put them in all your boxes when you sell and always add an extra and mention if they have anyone who may be interested to please pass on a card…

I know many women hate Ebay but without ebay, I never would be selling as many dolls as I do…I listed faithfully every week for 3 + years…I developed a customer base…keep in touch with the ladies, especially those who say they will be back for more…whether they do or not doesn’t matter, there is always the potential of another sale so they deserve to be remembered…After a while you will build your name and your customer base will grow…

As far as registering your nursery name, it is not absolutely necessary but it is something you may like to do…there are several sites where you can pay a small fee and be added…(I have to say that one of them, which is one of the better known ones, took my money but my nursery name to this day does not appear on any of their list…so some of the other ladies here may be able to steer you in the right direction on that one…

I will go look up some links later today and post them and maybe some you will find useful…It all takes time and I have to say that the best advice I can give if you want to be reborning and selling into the future when many ladies have come and gone is persistence and not good customer service but GREAT customer service and follow up…I keep emails and addresses of my previous multiple buyers and I send Christmas cards or pop in and say hi every now and then…I don’t mind if it doesn’t get me more orders but it is a nice way for the ladies to know that you remember them and think of them and many times it does actually remind them about reborns and they might start browsing Ebay looking at the new dolls and bingo…they find one they like but they don’t know the artist so they come back to you because they are confident in buying from you and you have a new custom order…It really depends on how much you want to put into your reborning - hobby or business or something in between… :smile:


Starr, you are an angel!! Thank you so much for all the help!! I printed out your post to refer to. Thank you so much for checking into more links later. :heart: