Please Help Me Pick!...UPDATE! "Jackie's Beanstalk Babies" is the name of my new nursery! Thank you everyone for all your help!

Okay I’ve been going crazy trying to come up with a name for my nursery. Originally a couple of days ago I was going to settle on The Stilted Stork but the more I think about it the less I like it Here is a list of names that I’ve come up with…

Lullabies & Fireflies Nursery
Mother Goose on the Loose Nursery
Bedtimes & Nursery Rhymes
One Two Buckle My Shoe

Please let me know which one you like of if you have another Nursery name that I might like. I’m open to suggestions.
Once I pick the name how do I go about setting up my nursery and how to I add it to the list of nursery names that are already taken so that I don’t end up naming my site the same as someone else’s or vise versa. Any help would be very much appreciated. I have no idea where to even begin!! I also have to find a logo. :heart_eyes: :baby:


I like Stilted stork…lol. One two buckle my shoe is cute.


Thank you!! :heart:

I really like Lullabies & Fireflies Nursery.


Thanks so much!! :heart:

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Mother goose on the loose! Love it!!!


Thanks Nikki!!! :heart:

I like them all but I was told the best thing to do was include your name if at all possible so it is less likely to be mixed up with something similar.


Thanks Amanda. I think thats a good idea. Just have to figure out where I would fit it in with the names I’ve come up with… :heart:

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Thank you Tanya!! :heart:

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My favourite is Lullabies & Fireflies xx

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Ok my vote is for either number 1 or 3 then :slight_smile:

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I love Mother Goose on the Loose! Made me giggle a little.


Thank you so much!!

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“Mother Goose on the Loose Nursery” I like this one!! It’s a fun visual. :smiley:


You and Nikki seem to like that one. I have to admit I was laughing hysterically when I thought of it… :heart_eyes:


Lullabies and Fireflies Nursery

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Okay you’re the third one to vote for that name!! :heart_eyes:


Mother Goose On The Loose mafde me laugh but I think Lullabies and Fireflies is my favorite. It sounds very familiar to me, though. I think it might be taken. Mother Goose On The Loose is my next choice. Cute and memorable.


Seems to be a close match between Lullabies & Fireflies and Mother Goose on the Loose!!! :heart_eyes: