Please Help Me Pick!...UPDATE! "Jackie's Beanstalk Babies" is the name of my new nursery! Thank you everyone for all your help!

I really like Lullabies and Fireflies. It has a nice ring to it.

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Iā€™m kind of torn between both those names too. Gee this is so difficult. :heart_eyes:

Thanks so much!! :heart_eyes:

I think Lullabies and Fireflies is already being used.

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Really!!! Oh no!!! :confounded:

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Iā€™ve found a Butterflies and Lullabies, doing a search, but donā€™t see a Fireflies and Lullabies yet. Will keep looking.

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I see a Fireflies and Lullabies Photography.

Mother Goose On The Loose is being used for childrenā€™s products but not a Nursery name. Iā€™m not sure if you can use it if you add the word Nursery.


Thanks please let me know. The only site that I know of to check is A-Z Reborn Artists. :heart_eyes:

Oh no!!! And I thought it was such an original idea when I came up with it!! Wow this is so disappointingā€¦

How about the The Jilted Stork (he just gets to bring a ā€œDollā€ and not a real baby)!!! I guess I have a warped sense of humor. They are all nice names Jackie.


Iā€™ve seen several different businesses on the Internet with the same name. There is a Lullabies and Fireflies childrenā€™s clothing store on FB. I donā€™t see any reborn nurseries with that name. Iā€™ve seen quite a few companies with the same names but different products or themes, on the Internet. So, if it is a reborn nursery and not a clothing maker/seller, or anything else that uses that name that is not reborn related, I believe it may be fine.


Thanks so much for the suggestion Lynn!!! I like the name!!! :heart_eyes:

Thank you for checking that out!! I really do appreciate it!!! Iā€™ll just add Reborn Nursery to the name I choose!! :heart_eyes:

I thought it was funny----glad I could help. Are you going to ROSE Jackie???

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No I canā€™t afford it but I hope to go in 2017!! :heart_eyes:

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I like Mother Goose


Oh shoot, I wish you were going this year. I think this will be the only time I will get to go, cost is an issue for me too. I canā€™t wait, this will be my only vacation in forever!!

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Mother Goose On The Loose hands downā€¦love it!


I like them bothā€¦ One two buckle my shoe as wellā€¦If you are looking for a name that will stick in peoples minds

Mother Goose on the Loose or One Two Buckle My Shoe are your winners hands downā€¦most every one knows that rhyme and Mother Goose on the Loose is just too funny and will be remembered

Lullibies and Fireflies has a nice flowing sound but it will have more of a tendency to ā€˜get lostā€™ amongst all the lullaby babies, Lullaby Lane, Lullaby Cradles and the fireflies amongst the butterflies and dragonfliesā€¦lolā€¦in peoples mindsā€¦IMO