Pet Peeve of the day

I don’t have Reborn membership for 2 years now. Just free nursery there.

Have you sold anything through there with the free membership?

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Another reason why I don’t understand why he’s against watermarks.

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Yes I did. Somehow people find me there - some from attendees’ videos from DOTWE, some by doll search images somewhere else.
Then I send secret URL to complete the purchase.
But I am not trying actively sell there. I’ll resume membership in 2024 depending how many dolls I’ll have after the Yophi’s show.

Well…I like I said…I don’t want to accuse. But I’m speaking of Dave himself, not another web developer. I HOPE he’s not doing that, but in his terms of service it’s in there that we give him the rights…just an observation

Ohhh…I understand what you’re getting at. That would be horrible.


What is Dave saying about it? Can he do anything?

I still feel like it is because he wants his site to look like a storefront, of sorts. If the images were watermarked, people could google search by nursery name and the results would show links to an artists fb, ig, etsy, etc… possibly meaning that the doll wouldn’t sell through his website.

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Here’s what Dave said:

wow! they really copied everything including my photo, bio , everyone’s dolls and descriptions and prices.

not sure if i can get it taken down but i will try contacting thier ISP and filing an infringement complaint. contacting the US government won’t do anything if they are in another country which it looks like they are.

sadly it’s impossible to stop fraudsters from copying like this. not even javascript or any special backend tricks can prevent it. if it’s out on the web it can be stolen. And even with watermarks they will just copy and use those photos so a watermark won’t do anything. they don’t care.

but just because they copy the site doesn’t mean they can copy the traffic. that is something that can’t be copied but i’m sure they will find a way to advertise and trick people and scam them.

the only way for buyers to not get scammed is they need to be educated where ever they buy and read review sites and do their homework to know they are buying from a reputable site.

so sad that there are hundreds of fake reborn sites out there and this is another one with all our information .


Thank you so much. :sob: :sob: :sob:

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That is a great valid reason and I am afraid you are right :disappointed_relieved:

I get that but there aren’t any extra fees that come with them buying the doll through his website is there? He gets paid from our membership fees right?

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No there aren’t. But I think it means people could stop going through him and paying him for a membership if customers started going directly to the artist


Except that customers could just follow them on other places after the first sale. It doesn’t make sense


That’s kinda why I said what I did before. It’s definitely odd…

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Copied from reborns, literally uses the word red flag.

Another thing is that when naming it a fake name, to me it makes it look less legit, obviously a coa is good but when I see a random name on a kit it just gives the impression that either the artist isn’t familiar with the kit they’re selling (which is kind of a red flag as to the legitimacy of the kit) or even that they gave it a random name same as the fake knockoff

Also, when listing your doll Dave has a spot to fill in the sculpture of the kit. So it can be found with a search. (Although Dave does not have the best search engine)

But again, the whole conversation on reborns baffled me. I don’t care what other artists name their dolls.


I think language used via internet can be interpreted according to the filters one is wearing while reading it. Those in agreement with a view point will not be nearly as apt to be offended by any of the verbage used while those in disagreement will possibly find certain words inflammatory. Honestly, I do not care one way or another about the renaming of a reborn, I see mildly valid points on both sides of the argument but at the same time I think the whole thing is ridculously overblown. What I can say is that from my persepective the OP started out fine but the more people who disagreed with her spoke up the more she seemed to come across as a dog with a bone who would not let it go. Her verbage did sound a bit judgemental to me as did some of those opposing her. I think she inflamed the situation by not allowing people who disagreed to state their viewpoints and just let it go. When it comes to a debate such as this, there is not a totally right or wrong answer and to continue to try to impose one’s ideas on those who do not agree with them is going to stir the pot to a heated discourse. JMO


This! :point_up_2:


That was pretty heated for such a silly thing.

I can understand people getting confused with how to manage the search (it isn’t too difficult but it could be confusing to some people) but to be so uptight about it? It kinda seemed like someone felt picked on and just kept digging a deeper hole.

As for giving a baby a nursery name, it has never affected a sale for me negatively (that I know of). When you list a baby the fields allow you to put in the kit name and the sculptor. You can also create tags for the listing, Dave lets you do a whole lot of them.

As for watermarks, they are easy to pull off in photo shop, it makes no difference. It would if someone was going to sue, but no one making babies is going to hire a lawyer.

As for the reborn thread about the copy cat websites:

We are now in AI territory, this isn’t some rando making fake websites and erasing water marks. AI is propagating these site on. There is a tool that lets you copy and website and get all of its code. We will never be able to shut it down or stop it. My question is how long can they stay up? What are they sending? Half the photos on those scam sites are of dolls that are long sold, curious what it is they are sending if anything at all.

This bites all the way around.


Sorry Gina, idk if you mean I am that person that seemed uptight and digging the hole deeper or not. Lol although, it was a little silly how a couple people acted like I had cursed someone out :smile:
Idk why I got so aggravated by that post. I usually ignore most on there but I didn’t that time…mostly what annoyed me was one lady saying she just passed people by because of the decision and we’re losing sales. Ugh darn T. O. M.

And I don’t think they have any product to send at all. Seems to me they create a site, get paid x amount of times and then when they make the amount they are happy with they disappear and delete the site or whatever.

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