Pet Peeve of the day

Yeah it kinda irks me when people ask for a reason for something and then proceed to give all their reasons why anyone that does what they do is wrong when it’s just about preference…it’s not hurting anything giving a doll a new name and it’s not confusing. No one gives a kit a new name, so I don’t know why it should be difficult to find. The ones being given a different name are completed…and I still can’t understand how that complicates anything because the kit’s name is pulled up along with the others….


I have been reborning for 12yrs and have never heard of this complaint before that thread. I thought everyone does it!?


i dont have an account on reborns. com so i dont know the conversation in reference.
but sometimes i like to look at alot of examples of a kit when deciding if i want to purchase one for myself or just to admire. and i like when the dolls are listed/searchable by the kit name. it’s fun when artists change the dolls name from the kit as long as the kit is also somehow searchable by kit name (like on it’s frustrating as a collector when people post images or videos of dolls without citing the kit name or sculptor in the info for me personally i like to know those details even if it’s just to admire that artist’s work and keep their name in my mind to look out for future kits from them.
i dont think it’s a stolen sculpt just bc of that tho but i can understand how in the current situation it might be misunderstood by someone being super cautious these days. i never thought of it before but i can see how it might be confusing to someone brand new to the dolls.


It will be 5 years for me in Jan 2024 and I know for sure that it was brought here on this forum because I am one of those people whom name change drives nuts.
My 2 cents and point of view: If you reborning kit for yourself - you can name it whatever you want, but if you are listing it for sale - respect the sculptor work and stick to the name that sculptor gave to the original work - obviously it didn’t just come from the thing air and they put a lot of thoughts how to name it.

Thankfully Dave enhanced the search and now you can search by KIT name.

I also put on my mental black list people who post ‘painting this cutie’, ‘this baby’, ‘this sweetie’ , etc, etc. Not everyone is familiar with each sculpt and name look. And I even think that sometimes people do it just for attention as they know ‘which sculpt is it?’ comment will come just right at them.


Well I had to go look to see what you all were talking about. Generally speaking, I do not rename mine now. I only recently did for my Avatar babies and that was because they were more fantasy babies.

When I first started reborning, giving babies their own unique name and printing it on the birth certificate was a big thing. I think because we were all pretty much reborning Berenguer dolls, Ashton Drake dolls, Lee Middletons etc. It was part of the “reborn process” to give the baby a bit of its own personality. Over time this practice seemed to wane for many such as myself because we were switching more and more to blank sculpted kits. With the exception of BB, pretty much all kits were LE kits for a time and we all raced to try to get one or more when the pre-orders dropped. Because these LE kits were so valuable in our world, most people were using the kit names in their listings. I think this is what caused a big shift away from naming your reborn for the most part. Now days we have massive amount of kits being made and many that are not LE or low number LE. So I think for some veering back to naming their reborns is a way to make their babies stand out. While it may deter some from purchasing, I do not see that as being the overwhelming majority. I certainly do not see that it is cause for alarm that the kit is a fake knockoff. But once again, maybe some do and for them it is perceived that way. I jut do not see this as a huge issue either way unless one chooses to make it one. It is a personal preference as I see it.

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Thank you so much for that history. I can see why it was done with unique names at that time. Perhaps some people are ‘old school’ and that is what they used to.

I don’t think renaming them will attract or un-attract buyers. If someone likes that baby, it will be bought regardless. And since I don’t have a paid reborn account, I am not a part of that conversation either, so it was interesting to learn that some think it’s related to fake reborns.

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But what about those like me who add the info in the description? :wink:

And will you still love me when I say “Cecil made with the Cecily kit sculpted by Adrie Stoete” ? :wink: :heart:


I do understand that a lot of the scam sites have different names listed.

It makes sense that some will start seeing that as a red flag.

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I stick with the kit name now because I’m lazy, but in my early years of selling I would give each completed baby a name. I even made a sale once just because the name I chose was the same as the buyers daughter and she felt it was meant to be! I think picking names is fun but don’t really have a strong opinion either way. Do it or don’t, either way is acceptable


I’ll love you regardless as you are the Mom of my 1st reborn! :wink: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :heart:

I don’t see the reason to name a doll Cecil when the kit name is Cecily. You can write same in description that “Cecil made with the Cecily kit sculpted by Adrie Stoete”

I had name changes for alternatives a few times myself as for example I called Joseph an ‘Avi’ because you can’t use the words avatar and Disney might come after you for it. You can only say ‘Na’vi inspired’, but I wanted to emphasize that he is not a regular reborn. Same with Fawna sculpt when I made it into Rudolph and Babmina (same reason as we can’t use the name Bambi because of Disney rights).

Other than that I don’t see a reason for name change. Like I said, I try to respect the sculptor’s choice.

I don’t know how hot this topic is on that Reborn forum, but all Dave needs to do is to display the KIT name - and it will solve the problem.

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This. I am the same way.

I think it’s ridiculous for people to get mad that we give the babies we reborned a different name. It’s always been part of the process. To consider that a red flag is ridiculous.


@anjsmiles was so kind to share the whole conversation from Reborns with me. And I didn’t see that anyone considered it as a red flag. As a matter of fact my feeling were that some artist who prefer name changings were so defensive and rude, and not vs versa.
I see the points from the both sides. However I 100% agree with the originals post. And this is why:
5 years ago I was not familiar with sculpts names, I didn’t understand why I see the picture of similar dolls with different names. And what was totally weird to me when studently so many dolls of the same sculpt will listed. Only much later, after I started to reborn myself, I understood that it was related to new releases.

You can say that people like me (I mean uneducated customers like I once was) are not your customers and you only sell to collectors and expect them to go to each posting and read the endless text that is posted there. But people look at the photos first.

And on the big scale - it doesn’t matter. Before you sell your doll - you are the owner of it and you can do whatever you want with it.

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I think the reason so many are getting defensive is because people are trying to make up more and more ridiculous “rules” around reborning. If it was just a live and let live mentality it wouldn’t be a huge deal but it isn’t. A lot of the talk surrounding these rules are if you don’t follow them then you’re either doing something wrong or you’re a scammer. The best thing about reborn dolls is that there are no limits. You let your heart and your artistry lead you.


I would rather artists uprise against the rule of the ‘No watermark’ there.


I agree, Yelena. It’s my opinion that watermarked photos look much more professional. The artists that add them (such as yourself) tend to take much higher quality photos, overall.


I’ve been frustrated with that rule also. We started using them on eBay to keep our pictures from being stolen. In my opinion it’s easier to make them unobtrusive now than it was before but still a deterrent from stealing. I will never understand why he doesn’t want watermarks when it doesn’t effect him at all or his business.

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My membership ran out today but did you see the post about the whole site being cloned?! Any updates on that today?

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I saw that but where are people finding this site?

One of them was reborninfants dot com. If I didn’t know any better I would believe it is a legit selling platform. The other wasn’t in English and I can’t remember the name.

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There is a possibility of a web developer selling files containing thousands of images to stock image websites like shutter stock…which you would not be able to do if they were watermarked. Not accusing… just a thought.