Penelope Arcello body?

Is this the correct party for the stall or do I need to get a different body? Thank you in advance :slight_smile:
She feels amazing and I love her little curly legs but the hips look weird to me…
If this is not the right body can anybody suggest a body from the bountiful baby site?


I don’t know but I change bodies all of the time.

Does this body look ok tho?

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I couldn’t decide if it was the body or the legs, but somehow it is not matching up in my head, lol. I sure hope someone that has painted this baby comes along to help. I do love the skin tone and hair though. Very cute!

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I kbow it looks so weird- like the thighs come out out of nowhere-Iove how she turned out but the legs…

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Maybe that is more of a front leg loading body and you need a side leg loading body?

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So I need a side loading body? How the heck do you know the difference?

I’m not sure if that’s the problem, but it might be. Those legs look like they have their own full thighs to me. The holes on a side loading body would be farther apart and more out to the side than a front loading body. BB doesn’t specify in their listings, but MacP has them sorted into the 2 categories. Maybe that kit just has extra bulky thighs?

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I found this as this is what I would do. It is not your doll but I think this would look better with the leg caps. JMO!

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LOL extra bulky is right! They remind me of Levi’s things…I’ll have to order another body I guess…I hate paying shipping for just a body but…TY!

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Og wow! That’s a great idea- I think i have a body like that- Thank you!

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Please post a pic of your fix however you do it! :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face:

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Just a body would be cheaper else where…

I think a side loading body would be what you need. The legs look like they are made to lay more butterfly-like. (Outsides of knees touching the bed, feet angling in.)

Here’s a side loading leg body example from Macpherson’s.

This is Penelope by Alecia Toner. She originally was sold with a body made for her (per Alecia Toner), which allowed her legs to curl in like Levi’s legs do. The way her legs are sculpted she has large hips and they are made to curl in. I think her body has front loading legs, so maybe find one that can let her legs curl inward. I have a Penelope waiting for hair and then I will assemble her as a keeper.


We had a whole discussion of Penelope in the reborn world when she came out. She does have oddly sculpted thighs. IMO they were made with too much curvature on them. The body that was sold to go with her is more of front loading legs body even though she has those big thighs. She will look wide in the hips when not dressed but decent with clothing on. She does not work well on the side loading bodies.
I do not have any photos of the one I did without clothing but you can see here how her legs do cross on the body she came with.
Penelope -  Ltd. Ed.- SOLD by Angie Jones
Penelope -  Ltd. Ed.- SOLD by Angie Jones


Angie, thank you for posting. I remember that discussion when she came out. I think her hips look a tad better when turned inward on the right body. I can’t wait to finish mine. If anyone else has photos of their Penelope with her legs showing, please post pics for examples. :slight_smile:

OH WAIT! I remembered I posted her on Facebook so I went back and found my old posts with body pics!


I have a Penelope Toner as a keeper baby :heart_eyes: I changed her onto a full limb front loading body. She came to me with a side loading body and I hated it. This is my little one after the change. Not the best pics but these are all I have on my phone of her