Penelope Arcello body?

I don’t know if you saw the orig photo I posted- but does that look ok to you?

I can’t tell for sure but I think the angle rotation you have the legs at is throwing off the appearance in the photo. I am thinking your body might be ok. Take another one with the legs rotated up more so that the feet can cross and see how it looks. If the hips area seems to wide you might try reducing the stuffing in the butt some too if needed.

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So here is another photo - more of a baby position

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Yep, that is how mine looked on the body she came with. It is really the best you can do with those thighs. She does make a very snuggly baby though.

Thank you ! I totally agree with the snuggle part- I never keep any of my babies but I’m temped to keep her- she just has that something special- I feel that way about Macy Brace too :heart_eyes:

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Like everyone else, I think the thighs make it look odder than it should. The body does look too short/small for her to me, especially in the last photo. It’s kind of one of those things though, if you show photos in your listing of her body, a buyer can change it later if they prefer a different one. I think she’s looks great though, you did an excellent job painting her!

I have this kit and was contemplating selling it. Now I’m contemplating painting it. :tired_face: She looks so cute when curled up like that.

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