Paint One Of Your Favorite Kits CHALLENGE:)

Looks like I was still working on eyebrows. I would put them a little lower if I reborned him again.:wink:


Putting them too high seems to be my big issue. Next one I will be paying VERY CLOSE ATTENTION TO PLACEMENT :joy:

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Thanks, I may take you up on that offer. I have been sick for the past few years and doctors just treat that symptom at the time. It was not until August when my eyes flared up and having to see a eye specialist who found my condition was autoimmune. I was referred to rheumatologist from there. Rheumatologist started on some treatments which have been increased and additional added. And the joint pain on top of all else. I am now having knee pain, waiting for MRI results. The saga continues, so frustrating.


Please do, it definitely helps to talk to someone who had been there, even if it is just online. It’s so hard when a sickness has been around for years. It’s been six years for me, but others have been sick for much longer. I’m so grateful to have found reborning, it’s such a joy to me and really helps me to stay happy and positive despite my illness. I hope your MRI results gives you good info to help you find an effective treatment.

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Thanks, I really appreciate it

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Here’s a quick cell phone picture of my little guy so far. He’s been washed, sealed, given 2 layers of lip color, and he just got his first color wash. My vision for him is a brand new preemie, 1-2 days old. Long way to go!


@Babies He is looking so sweet. I haven’t gotten that far but did get her washed up and ready to start. I hope to paint tomorrow.


@Phassell, That’s awesome! Hazel is darling! I’ve been painting her twin, Harriet, as a cuddle baby:)


I think I will join in once I wrap a few other things up. Leo is a favorite of mine. If not Leo, I may end up doing Denver Rose.


I LOVE this idea!! If I’ve never been brave enough to dip into my “someday” stash but I think this is the perfect time. Now… who lol? I look forward to seeing all the babes! Thank you for the idea and motivation @Babies


Here is Liam with just a few layers. I love him already. Don’t ask what I am going for cause I have no idea, lol.


@Alypants, Both of those babies are so cute, Denver Rose is one of my favorites!

@RebeccaKatie, Remember when I bought your painted Daisy kit? I love your work! I’m so glad you are joining in and painting one of your favorite kits!

@AnnieSokay, He’s looking good!


Hi everyone. I am so glad you have decided to make a thread like this. I won’t be able to join in for this round but will keep my eye on it to see all your lovely work.

When the next round comes I will have to decide which kit I want to do from three of them. My choices are: BB sleeping Brittany, Olive by Ping Lau, or Princess Charlotte at 1 years old by Thomas Dyprat.


I don’t have any super special kits right now but I might join in the next round of there is one🙂


I’ve decided I might do the new Jonah kit if I can get it in time! I also just stumbled upon this adorable kovu new kit :heart_eyes:


@NikkiScarletti and @morgan123, It seems like there will be enough interest in another round. :grinning:

@Reborndaddyog- I love both of those kits!


Yes Kovu is one I am waiting on so bad!!


@Babies I know we have 3 months but did I miss a due date and a WIP date?

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Kovu is a must for me too!

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I have had an epiphany, and I will be painting Frida Yophi…I love her to bits but have put her off because I’m afraid everyone else won’t love her and she won’t sell. But you know what? She’s still a favorite of mine. I will get her washed up soon!