Oyster- anything I should know?

hi guys! I FINALLY. Got a dedicated convection oven for babies only! I will post a pic of the one hubby got for me:-) anything I should know before I unpack? Thanks guys!

That actually might be too small. I got an Oster oven and it was too small for kits about 20 to 21 inches. Their heads wouldn’t fit. I returned it and got a Farberware Convection CounterTop Oven instead for the same exact price. It’s more room in there and it’s a little better than the Oster. When you bake the your parts always use put a clean dry towel under the parts when you are baking so you don’t melt your limbs or head.


This the one I have

This is mine…(the black one that looks well used…sits on my closed in patio table…please ignore the mess…lol) I have NEVER EVER melted a part since I started using this type oven 5 years ago…which is more than I can say about the ones I used the first year and a half of reborning…They work great because they are fan forced and so the temp stays even so no hot spots. you just set your temp, set the timer and walk away. I gutted mine (took out all racks) and just dropped a tea towel (dish towel) in the bottom.

This is just another name brand or model of the same sort of cooker.

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I started with an oven similar to that. I had a terrible time regulating the temp and slightly melted a baby. Also, it is very small on the inside. I ended up getting a NuWave and love it. It works so much better!

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I measured at the Walmart and I got the oster because it was slightly larger than the faberware. I’ll give it a shot and If not, I’ll exchange it.:slight_smile: I wanted a nuwave… But this was half the price :slight_smile:

The faberware one you have is out of stock EVERYWHERE! Even online, but I tracked down a store that has one! So… We shall see!

Yeah that one goes in and out of stock constantly. I got the alert thing because it would go so fast.

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Make sure you use a temp guage and always stay with the parts when baking keeping an eye on them. This type of convention oven is tricky but will work.


@Nikkiroc, I know the NuWave is pricey but you’ll be glad you made the investment! Check out your local Craigslist ads to see if you can find one for less.


I returned the oster and got the faberware:-) I will get a nuwave as soon as people stop outbidding me!:grin::flushed:


After 7 walmarts I finally scored!!! It was even sold out online! I figured, since you tried both you know your stuff!:smiley: thank you! Any tips on baking with this one?

You know the little black tray that comes with the oven? I always bake on the tray not the rack. I put the a towel between the tray and doll parts. If not your parts will MELT without doubt. The tray gets too hot! Like this:

I set mines to bake and just above 250 degrees. I estimate that it is around 260-265. I think my temp reaches about 275-280 in 10 minutes. You may want to bake only for 8 or so. I lost my oven thermometer. I personally bake for 10 minutes. Flipping the parts about 5 minutes in. I suppose one side bakes for about 5 minutes and the other side 4. One side will still be COOL at the time of the flip. For smaller kits I bake all 4 limbs at once. I believe on the second rack. The top of my parts get warm instead of the bottom which is odd because the heat “bars” or whatever they are called are only on the bottom. Yours may do that as well. For smaller kit’s head I bake the same as the limbs. For larger kits I bake 2 of the limb at a time let my oven cool bake the other two limbs. I bake them on the second rack. For my large heads, I put them on the very bottom rack. I put two towels instead of ONE. If not your head will melt and your towel will burn. That’s basically all. Hope this helps x

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Wow!!! Ok thank you so much! You put the towels on the tray correct? Or on the rack beneath the tray?

ON the tray. The tray gets too hot and will melt the parts.


I put the towel on the black tray. Then I put the parts on the towel. Even when people use Nuwave I think they put towels under their parts.

Yes, parts on a towel even in a NuWave. :smile:

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Amy… With my luck, I should prob just stick to my big kitchen oven!

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