Oyster- anything I should know?

LOL! Hopefully, all will go smoothly. :smile:

FWIW! I tried several small toaster/convection ovens and returned them all because their temps were not consistent. I love the NuWave because of the size and consistency.

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Well, I will try it and keep saving for my nuwave:-)

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I spent 2 hours trying get my new little oven to be consistent and my hubby walked by and said something about our electricity bill. I told him about the “expensive” NuWave and sang its praises and he told me to go get it. I happily obliged. :blush:


I haven’t had any trouble with my convention oven knock on wood. I would just get an oven thermometer.


I gave away the toaster oven that I bought for reborning. I would preheat the oven to 265 and then when I put the kit in, the temp dropped WAY down and I felt like I had to watch it bake and that made it hard to get away from the fumes. I gave it to my brother after using it for 3 babies and bought a NuWave. I for SURE would not use ANY oven without a thermometer in it all the time. Just have to run one nice kit to pay for a NuWave oven.