OMG! Guess who I'm getting

That’s just cruel Izzy !!!

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Lol it’ll be worth the wait, promise. :wink:

Tracking says he’ll be here tomorrow! Yesss!


YEA!!! Cant’ wait to see the pics. :slight_smile:

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I’ll get them up as soon as I get him, you can be sure of that. :slight_smile:

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I’ll be looking for him! So excited for you and am waiting for the “sculpt reveal”. :smiley:

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You are a very lucky girl! Congrats and enjoy!

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Okay, Izzy, time to post some pictures. Waiting…waiting…waiting… :laughing:


:rage: Taps foot impatiently… :wink:


Lol sorry ladies! He’s gotten here and I’ve gotten pics but I had to sort some personal things out so things got delayed. I’ll post them now.


Alrighty got pics up a few hours ago lol. About time, I know.

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Izzy, i think you have mastered the art of high octane curiosity!! Congrats on your new baby! Looking forward to the much awaited Box Opening! DebbieG

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Debbie, the link to the box opening is posted above. :wink: