Okay, here's a story for you ---

Speaking of Evilbay…we were, weren’t we? Or was it just me?

ANYWAY – have 2 babies on the Bay at the moment, one is Gabriel and the other is Gemma. Neither have any bids. I plan to keep relisting them till the cows come home, whenever that is.

So, I get a message last night on Ebay from someone telling me that she bought a custom baby boy from me 3 yrs. ago and that she loved it sooooo much, looked just like a real baby.


Then she says her home was broken in to and her reborn was STOLEN! OH NO!!!

Now she wants me to make her another one just like it and give her a layaway and oh gosh, isn’t that all just too bad, so sad???

The problems are this:

A) I do not do custom orders, not in 2011 and not now – I do NOT do them

B) Her house was robbed & they took A DOLL??? SERIOUSLY!!! How many robbers do you think know the value of a DOLL??? Or CARE!!! Now, I happen to think I do “okay” work, but worthy of breaking in and stealing??? NO…not in a million years.

C) My dolls are priced very reasonably and I don’t offer layaway…not in 2011 and not now.

D) Even if I wanted to make another doll EXACTLY like one I’ve made before, I could not and would not. We are artists, not copy machines. No two babies will ever look EXACTLY alike. Gee. I hope in 3 years’ time I’ve improved my technique, even if just a little bit.

Just another example of who’s out there, trying to bag a deal. Thought it might bring a smile to your face this afternoon.

p.s. The cows haven’t come home yet


Is this someone that we should block?

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Oh, I don’t think so…just someone looking for a deal. She’d get a lot farther without the robbery sob story

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I didnt know robbers steal dolls!!
And yes I’m pretty much done with custom orders too

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I’ll tell you what, if my house was robbed I think a doll is the last thing I’d worry about. DEE


Did she say that nothing else was taken? friend of mine had their house robbed some years ago and the thieves took everything!!! Must have come with a truck, and took furniture, clothing and even the draw with family photos, some irreplacable. My friend was gutted because she lost her father when she was only 15 and there was only handful of photos of him, and nobody else had copies.

Do you remember at all dealing with this lady? Does she have a photo?

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She has feedback of 1, no photos. She didn’t say anything else was taken. She’s just someone trying to play the pity card, trying to get a custom reborn for next to nothing like so many others out there. She just happened to choose me this time and I don’t do customs.


Good grief, How do they come up with all those stories?


I have no idea, Debora. Pretty sure if we all got together we could write a BOOK!

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When my house was robbed, they took costume jewelry, a handful of quarters and my (small) winning lottery tickets. They left behind my gold ring and my camera and my TV. Go figure. Maybe this thief has a little girl that they thought might like the doll. It could happen.


I’ve heard: ‘lost my job, can you give me a discount’ and ‘I’m twelve, just really want a reborn, but my parents won’t buy me one . . .’ or (my favourite) ‘will you trade??’ This is new for me. But I’m not remotely surprised. Your babies are super fantastic. Who* wouldn’t* want one? Her bad for trying to trick you. But you can’t blame a gal for trying (as long as *you *don’t fall for it!!) It’s kind of flattering in a weird bad way (does that make sense??) I would ignore her and take it as an unintentional compliment: your babies are that cute! To heck with her.

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Thanks, Pokes ~ what a nice thing to say! We need a LIKE button here!!!

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No, Karen, you missed an opportunity to strike back for all of us who have had crazy people. What you should have said is that you would be glad to do a custom doll for her but that in the past 3 years, your skills have increased to the point that you could only do a custom job for $1500 and you could do a layaway plan but that unfortunately, the longest term you have for layaways is 3 days. That if she can show you the police report showing she reported the doll as stolen, you would be glad to offer her a $50 discount towards the purchase of a new doll. Between that and the money she receives from her insurance company for the stolen doll, she should have more than enough to cover the expense of you making a custom doll for her. Oh, don’t forget to mention the shipping and handling fee of $200 for deluxe padding with bubble wrap and duct tape. Guaranteed not to slip out of the padding! Then sit back and see what she replies!


— Begin quote from “djjessie228”

No, Karen, you missed an opportunity to strike back for all of us who have had crazy people. What you should have said is that you would be glad to do a custom doll for her but that in the past 3 years, your skills have increased to the point that you could only do a custom job for $1500 and you could do a layaway plan but that unfortunately, the longest term you have for layaways is 3 days. That if she can show you the police report showing she reported the doll as stolen, you would be glad to offer her a $50 discount towards the purchase of a new doll. Between that and the money she receives from her insurance company for the stolen doll, she should have more than enough to cover the expense of you making a custom doll for her. Oh, don’t forget to mention the shipping and handling fee of $200 for deluxe padding with bubble wrap and duct tape. Guaranteed not to slip out of the padding! Then sit back and see what she replies!

— End quote


I know, just wishful thinking…I can think evil but I just can’t do it!

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— Begin quote from “djjessie228”

No, Karen, you missed an opportunity to strike back for all of us who have had crazy people. What you should have said is that you would be glad to do a custom doll for her but that in the past 3 years, your skills have increased to the point that you could only do a custom job for $1500 and you could do a layaway plan but that unfortunately, the longest term you have for layaways is 3 days. That if she can show you the police report showing she reported the doll as stolen, you would be glad to offer her a $50 discount towards the purchase of a new doll. Between that and the money she receives from her insurance company for the stolen doll, she should have more than enough to cover the expense of you making a custom doll for her. Oh, don’t forget to mention the shipping and handling fee of $200 for deluxe padding with bubble wrap and duct tape. Guaranteed not to slip out of the padding! Then sit back and see what she replies!

— End quote

  Well, hey, I just heard back from her again today, wanting to check and see how her baby was coming along -- ??????!!!      I ignored her, but maybe I'll tell her what you said, DJ....I bet that stops her in her tracks!!!  



I like the way you girls think! But some people have a lot of nerve! And imagination!


So we’ve all come to the conclusion that our dolls do attract some very strange people. My latest one was a woman who sent me pics of her laying in a hospital bed and a close up of her incision after having a pacemaker put in… yeah… that really made me want to give her a doll. When I told her I was not able to donate, she sent me a line of emoticons with angry faces. YIKES!!


— Begin quote from “kgeorge957”

So we’ve all come to the conclusion that our dolls do attract some very strange people. My latest one was a woman who sent me pics of her laying in a hospital bed and a close up of her incision after having a pacemaker put in… yeah… that really made me want to give her a doll. When I told her I was not able to donate, she sent me a line of emoticons with angry faces. YIKES!!

— End quote

Psycho! Well, at least the angry faces didn’t have little knives clenched in their teeth (they didn’t, did they? )

— Begin quote from “kgeorge957”

So we’ve all come to the conclusion that our dolls do attract some very strange people. My latest one was a woman who sent me pics of her laying in a hospital bed and a close up of her incision after having a pacemaker put in… yeah… that really made me want to give her a doll. When I told her I was not able to donate, she sent me a line of emoticons with angry faces. YIKES!!

— End quote


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