Okay, here's a story for you ---

Yes, I think that we all realize a burglar could have taken the doll but the owner should then have a police report to show the theft. And she shouldn’t expect an artist to give her a break on a new baby or even agree to do a baby for her if the artist doesn’t want to. That is like expecting a furniture store to give you the same couch years later in the same style and colors (even if their stock has changed) at or below the price you originally paid with their apologies that your couch was stolen. Just doesn’t make sense. Why should the artist have to take a loss and take time away from making the dolls she was working on? The buyer should have had home owners insurance to cover her losses and put in a claim. She could then take that money and buy a doll. If the artist doesn’t want to make her one, the buyer (who didn’t buy from that artist in the first place if the artist doesn’t make customs) will just have to buy a different doll.

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Don’t sell yourself short!! The reason a robber may take your reborn from your past customers house is they wanted more money out of the robbery then was readily available. …Sooo they took the baby and your customer should should be waiting by the phone for the ransom note, not calling you for a replacement! !


LOL! Thanks, @Cricket! This made me laugh all over again! Pretty funny, the stories people come up with when they want a doll. :laughing:

Pretty sure most of us have heard all the sob stories, the dying, the ill, the can’t have kids so send me a free reborn…pitiful, yes, but I tend to find humor along the way and not let it upset me too much. I remember a girl who messaged me one year just before Christmas telling me that all she’s ever wanted is a reborn doll and that if I would just send her one she’d never ask for anything again as long as she lived. :smile: And a person telling me that her daughter was dying and needed a reborn to hold to help her get through the pain of dying. WTH??? Like…ummmmm…if I were DYING, the last thing on my mind would be a DOLL, right??! :open_mouth: And then there are the ones who can’t afford one, and they say so, but they will take very, very, good care of it if you’ll just PLEASE send it to them.

I would take very, very good care of a red Ferrari if they would just PLEASE park it in my driveway!!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

We should all get together and put our these stories into a book! It’d be a best seller! :wink:


Oh God help me when I start listing mine, I’m a sucker for a sob story. I gave one of my babies to someone this year for Christmas. She didn’t ask for one, she was actually asking anyone to help give her kids a good Christmas. They had fallen on hard times and she had two kids. I went and bought her son some toys and gave her one of my babies for her daughter, I even let her pick which one She wanted. She was very thankful, I like to think she really needed help.


Lol! The only way I would believe that a child’s days were numbered would be if it came straight from the make a wish foundation! It is not completely unfeasable that a child with cancer would want a reborn to comfort them. Children are easy to please. Then I would drop what I was doing and try to make it happen!! And that’s saying a lot since making one for myself has been a big challenge!


Where in Florida do you live? I live in Melbourne.

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True, but our family actually knew a little girl who battled cancer for over 4 years before passing away at the age of 9. I made a reborn Morgan for her, complete with angel wings and everything ~ the hospital wouldn’t allow it in her room. She couldn’t have stuffed animals, either, or much of anything brought from the outside. We wore masks when we visited her in the hospital.

I was a preschool teacher for 14 years, and I am a sucker for ANYTHING to do with children…that’s how I get talked into doing so many customs! :smile: All a mom has to tell me is “But it’s for her birthday” or “She really, really wants one of your babies for Christmas” and I’m off and running! :smile:

MOST of the hard luck stories, however, are just that…stories :rolling_eyes:

I’m in Lakeland :slight_smile:

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Wow!! Still a couple of hours away!!


I love Florida and enjoy cooking the babies outside:)


I had 2 different people (friend & friend of friend) contact me wanting me to donate a doll for a girl in a needy family THEY sponsored for Christmas. First of all Christmas = our busiest season! If it’s not ordered by Oct your prob not going to get one. Can’t give up one of those weeks. Secondly do they think they are just given to us? Can be a little insulting.

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I can understand that. All I was really trying to point out is IF you did give from the heart…The warm fuzzy’s are yours to keep! I learned that being too judgmental or skeptical can take all the fun out of life. BUT if you aren’t skeptical enough you are opened to getting burned. So you follow your heart and if you make a mistake that doesn’t mean that you weren’t coming from a position of love.
I don’t know if I am explaining this right…
Like trying to decide if you should give money to the man on the corner holding a sign… you ask yourself is he really hungry or is he taking advantage of people. …If I choose to give to him anyway I know I am pleasing to God, I did my part and I trust God to deal with the man’s heart. It doesn’t matter if he is honest or not because I did the right thing AND i feel good about it…HOWEVER…If I have seen the same man on the corner everyday for a whole week and then saw him buying beer instead of food my heart might tell me to use common sense. … I may then just tell him I know where he can go work for a days wages!! ( I still helped him Lol)


I’m with you, Cricket. I help people on our street. If they are choosing to deceive me, then that’s for them and God to work on. I have others tell me they think I shouldn’t but then they ask for the same thing. You have to go by what your heart says, what you can afford to give, and just ask God to lead you.

As for giving these dolls to kids, one friend’s granddaughter wore the hair off hers sleeping with it. Now her little sister, who is the same age as Riley was, wants one. Thinking of using human hair if I can find it fine enough or fake hair! Rather have it loved than on a shelf!

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  1. I love your profile pic, adorable.
  2. List them on Etsy they will sell fast.
  3. This art form attracts some silliness for sure, I just don’t get it. If one more person asks me to send a photo of a naked baby, or if I can make up the difference they lost buying a scam baby by discounting mine, I may shave my head.
  4. Missed you over here.



My profile picture is of my granddaughter when she was little. Hard to believe she is 9 now.

I’ve missed being on here. Got sidetracked painting acrylic paintings the last few years. Lol, trying to convince my younger daughter who is 22 to let me give more of them away. Hubby says sell the ones I don’t want. Lol, give away the good ones and sell the bad ones! I just really miss the friends on here!


It’s nice to see you here! My great niece Sophia is 9, too…time flies, doesn’t it??

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Any other context and this statement would auto contact the CIA. :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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You’ve been asked for naked photos of babies? :nauseated_face:

I all of a sudden don’t want to post videos showing baby bits. My husband mentioned child predators when I first started painting babies. I’m aware it is there and haven’t been asked for naked pictures.

How do you even respond to that?
How do you decide if someone just wants to see the rest of a baby or are being gross?
Have you or anyone you’ve known come across child predators?

Now I have the heebee jeebees. :flushed:

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I have had some strange requests, at first I didn’t know what was “normal” reborn questions and what were red flags (honestly it was all creepy at the time).

There are people who want to see the baby without clothes, I guess to see what the cloth body looks like, how the limbs are attached etc. I indulged in that for a minute but after some thought (give me a break they can look that up) I just stopped. Once you say yes to special requests then there are just more asks; can you photograph her in different outfits, with a hat, on a horse, smoking a cigar. Just no.

Then you get the diaper fetish folks and the creepers. No judgement (well kinda) that ask specific questions and have specific requests that I cut off right away. BLOCK, DELETE, DONE. I don’t mind a full body plate with baby bits, I am a mom, I am use to Nekked kids running around, but after a few uncomfortable emails I mostly stopped doing anatomical belly plates.

Trust me on this, there is a dark side to everything.

I will say that for the most part 98 % of questions and requests I get are awesome. The other 2% has traumatized me a bit.


I just put pictures without clothes on all my listings so people can see what the bodies look like. I rarely do full body vinyl dolls, or anatomically correct belly plates, because they’re not cuddly, but when I do, I take tasteful pictures of the full body.


Time definitely does fly, Karen. I have so much fun when I see Catherine . She loves her crafts but still doesn’t like dolls. Hoping my other granddaughter,who is 7 months, falls for them. Her brother, who is four, wanted one so gave him one that was his mom’s a few weeks ago. He loves her (wanted a girl baby like his sister). I had gotten another doll that came with a bathtub so he could have the tub for his mom’s water baby. Jamie was going to give that doll away but Romilly took one look and got so excited! She can be fussy but give her the doll and she starts cooing to it. So now dolls are a big thing there!

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