Ok Ladies....I need so help

Ok, so I’m going to attempt Combi hair on this baby I just finished :crossed_fingers:lol
I have a question, in Pic #1 I start from the crown circle towards the front of the head, correct? I can more or less follow my painted hair. Now in pic #2 the front part, do I stop like where the yellow line is? Would that be correct? I really appreciate all your help. I’ve been practicing grabbing the hair right at the end so I don’t get those little hairs standing up lol. :+1:

Ok…thinking about, I think it’s the opposite of what I just said :thinking: id Start in the front and follow my paint “map” towards the start of the swirl, like in these pics. Lol


That is correct. Start at the front, work your way to the crown. Follow your paint lines.


@Claire Thank you for clarifying that for me, sometimes it just seems confusing lol. I appreciate you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


This is the correct way.
Always start from the bottom (doesn’t matter front or back) and work your way to the crown.

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Yep start at the front and work your way back to the crown. Where you start in the front is up to you and what you want the style to look like.

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Photos when you are done. Don’t freak out if the first hairs are not a total match, you can start adding darker or lighter hairs and blend them together until you get a good match.

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Thank you all so much, I will post photos when I’m done, WISH ME LUCK :smile:

I have always thought about trying this since my hand can’t hold up to root a whole head. I am afraid I would make a mess. I will be looking forward to seeing how it goes for you.


@Rosa05 Here is the link to Paqui Galan short demo as an introduction of her Master Rooting Class at YDS

@anjsmiles Believe me, I’ve wanted to do combi hair for awhile now but always afraid of messing up a kit, so I know how you feel lol. Here’s a few pics of how it going so far :crossed_fingers:


It looks like you are going across the lines of painted hair instead of rooting along that line? (Maybe you have just brushed it the opposite direction?

Here is where I am now :blush: it hasn’t been cut yet so it’s pretty long lol, I’m more then halfway done!! Time for a break lol


She’s not assembled yet but I wanted to share her combi look lol. I know its farrrrr from perfect but for now as I’m learning, I’m very happy with it :blush:. I can’t wait to put her all together tomorrow. Thank you all of you who helped me, I appreciate it so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:.


color blends well, turn your rooting needle a little, go with the direction of the hair, not to much or you will get a mohawk.

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Thank you Gabriella, I appreciate it :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Niiice!!! :two_hearts:

Wow, beautiful Work Rosa!

@Skylar Thank you so much :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I really want to learn to do combi hair, I really enjoyed doing it surprisingly. After holding off for so long.

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That looks wonderful!

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