Nothing like hubby telling you

Your reborn doesn’t look real. It looks like a doll. I know that, but really? I only made one. So encouraging :baby::pensive::sleepy:


Don’t let him discourage you. What does he know about reborning? Skills are developed as we go. Some kits are more dolly looking than others. We all like your baby and think you did great. Don’t let hubby spoil it for you. I hate it when people do that. They don’t realize how hurtful it is. He’ll change his tune when you sell one. Who will you do next?


Mine said that too, at the beginning. So I have made more, just to prove him I can do better. When I sold my first 1-2, he was proud. Now, he encourage me and show pics of my work to his frends and co-workers…He his my biggest fan !

Don’t let this affect you too much. Take it as a “defi”. Go ahead, next will be better and better.

Men are often not so delicate and don’t always understand when they hurt our feeling…


14-15 years ago when I first started,hubby would answer the phone and tell whoever was calling me “she is playing with those dolls parts again”. I wanted to smack him. Now if the phone rings while I am painting,he will say she is working on a reborn,let me see if she is available to talk.So as you improve and he sees the results,his tune will change.My husband is one of my biggest fans now and will tell me “that one looks great or what color eyes are you going to give that one? I think dark grey would look awesome”…So just give him time,he will come around to seeing your talent.


Awe!! Thank you! I’m sure it will get better as I do better. I’m not sure who yet. Im going to focus on sleeping babies for the next couple I think :slight_smile: maybe Ella. I would love Megan though but she’s always oos.

Lol no men aren’t all that delicate. I hope it gets better. He did like her when I first finished but the pictures of her he doesn’t really like. In person she is cuter. I’m a terrible photographer :baby::hugs:

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I think one thing is that I have my hands into too many projects. I Love Crafts But have to downsize because now I’m just out of room to really begin reborning. It’s out of control lol. It will get better if I start selling someday :slight_smile:

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My hubby said the same when I started, I think maybe they all do. he likes them but will not touch them I could literally chase him around the house with just a doll head lol! Your doll looks amazing, keep on your path, & don’t let it get to you :wink:


My parents never liked my dolls and some of my friends think they’re ugly.
Luckily some of my coworkers and the kind people here on the forum have nicer things to say about my reborns. I just find my encouragement elsewhere. :slight_smile:


My husband only likees the open eyed dolls. He’s very encouraging though. He just thinks open eyes make them seem real. I’m just not up to all the work that open eyes requires.


Aww :frowning: I’m sorry. Keep doing it!

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My husband hasn’t always been very supportive of my reborns either…probably some “manly” thing about not liking dolls! LOL
He loves the fact that I can sell them though and the prices they bring never fail to astound him. He’s coming around a bit lately and saying if he thinks one looks realistic to him, and he’ll actually hold one if I ask him to. Not for long, but he’s making progress! On the positive side, he’s a photographer so he’s always good about helping me with how to find good lighting techniques and how to use the best settings on my camera. And I’ve caught him telling other people that I make dolls that look like real babies.
I don’t think men realize how hurtful their comments can be sometimes. My DH used to call mine dead babies. Once I told him I’ve seen way too many dead babies over the years working as a pediatiric RN, and that a real dead baby looks nothing like the ones I’m making, he stopped calling them that.
If he’s hurting your feelings, let him know. When you work hard on something and someone you love makes you feel bad about what you’ve done it really stings! Don’t let him get to you, keep doing you and I’ll bet you’ll see him gradually change his opinion of your work once you start selling!


Lol!! You always make me laugh!! Ty I will keep trying but I’m not going to chase him down with a head just yet!! :joy::joy::joy:

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Oh no!! Some think they are ugly?? Oh how sad and not true! They are lovely! We can come here for encouragement!! One of my favorite Bible verses is an encouraging one :). I will encourage you too!! :two_hearts:

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My first one was Olive. I just love her lol. I thought I just better dive in with one with eyes and glad I did because it wasn’t that difficult:) I think my hubby might like a sleeping one better :slight_smile: We shall see :slight_smile:

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So right. All in due time. Once I sell one he will come around. I understand though why this is kind of a shock because I was never into dolls a whole lot but we all change as we get older. I’m going to be 59 this yr and really missing my grandchildren so this helps a bit :heart_decoration:


I’m going to keep in going!! Thank you!! :two_hearts:


Oh how nice that your hubby is a photographer!! You must get amazing pics of your babies!! I think men can be a touch on the insensitive side. He said he was kidding but I think if he sees a return on these it would help so much. Right now it’s just something else to spend money on lol. I’m truly so sorry to hear about your work and the grief you have seen. Must be horrible :sleepy:. Thank you for posting and the encouragement!! :heart_decoration:


I think a lot of how they react in the beginning is “just a guy thing”. Don’t get discouraged. A lot has to do with the sculpt you pick out. Many of the older BB sculpts are very “dolly” looking and regardless of how hard you try to make them look “real” they just don’t!! I think (before we were reborners) we were so used to picking out dolls for our daughters etc. that we tend to look at a cute doll sculpt the same way only to find out that it doesn’t really reborn all that well. Look for a doll that’s not so “cutesy” but more “real” baby looking and you will come out with a much more realistic looking “baby” and then your husband will begin to see it!! JMO


TY Lynn!! My first one was Olive lol I just love her no matter what…dolly or not or just because I’m so new. :wink: Can you suggest some that are less dolly looking please?? I’m getting in on the BB sale and can’t wait to try more. Olive is mine. my little keeper…just in love with her. :slight_smile:

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