Nothing like hubby telling you

Yes Olive to me is dolly looking :slight_smile: They will all be on sale tomorrow :slight_smile:

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Man… :baby: don’t let that bother you keep at it you would see. He would learn to love them and as you get better he would start complenting you, but for now you have us. :wink:
For me my husband wasn’t the problem. He love them all, but he loves babies so I think that has to do with the way he reacts with my dolls. He actually kept one of my dolls and have ask me to keep some that I had already sold. He is very involve. He knows kits names, and artist. He sometimes.
BUT my mom… I use to draw and was always very artistic, so when I was in high school my friends and teachers wanted me to peruse a career in art. Well my mom old me NO. That art wouldn’t pay my bills. So many years later I was talking to her and told her about selling a doll for $500 and she Ask me why would someone pay that much for your dolls? :persevere::triumph::confounded::weary:
Mom because they are awesome :stuck_out_tongue:


If your mom is supportive in other ways in your life, it is very possible she just doesn’t understand why someone would pay hundreds for any doll, not just your dolls. We know how much time, effort and skill go into making vinyl look like the real thing, but most people don’t. And even if they do, they sometimes don’t understand why someone would want to spend money to pay someone to make one.

To be honest, the term “starving artist” was created for a reason. Many famous artist’s paintings that command huge sums now were painted by artists that made very little money while alive.

Many people who go for art degrees never work in the field. It can be hard to find a job. My husband, an accountant, used to joke about the arts when we younger, because people often could not find work.

Now we have an artistic son who loves to draw, write, sing and do public speaking. My husband is supportive. LOL :rofl:

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Sorry, forgot to add to the original thought. The first baby I made was a mess. It didn’t look too bad from far but don’t look too close. LOL.

Well, while I was painting the nails, I had reached what I considered was the best I could do at the time. I showed them to my husband, asking him if they looked “real”. He took off his glasses and brought the tiny hand really close up to his face. Eyes scrunched up, really examining them. After several minutes of examination, he concluded, “No”. I was crushed. I wiped off the paint and redid them many times but they were not as good as the ones he inspected, IMO. But I have since improved my nail painting quite a bit. Always room for improvement, but they are much more realistic now, I think.

Selling a few does increase a husband’s respect for the art, though. I still ask his opinion sometimes. As time goes on, he is more supportive, perhaps because as I get better they become more realistic… In a way, I am glad for the honest criticism even though I was a little discouraged originally. Nails were important to me and his honesty pushed me to do better.

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BB does have some babies that are much more realistic looking----the Realborns for some are more real looking simply because they are actually made from real babies. I don’t like all of them, we al have our reasons and our favorites, I love Owen, he makes up adorable. I have NOT made all the Realborns but I don’t care for most of the open eyed ones. I have a real problem with eyes that have been cut out and not really sculpted that way, they never look right to me, so I don’t do them. I would advise you to begin to look at the individual features of any sculpt and make sure you like them. Such as; Ears, lips, noses, fingers, toes etc. If you find areas that you don’t care for think about it before you purchase. Sometimes a sculpt will be cute overall but has horrible ears and you can’t cope with it------my suggestion: don’t buy it, you’ll never be happy with it. You will definitely begin to get more picky as you go alone in your journey. We all love certain sculpts and certain artists work that’s what makes it so fun. A doll that I would hate, you would love!! Also, there are times you will start a baby and NOT like it at all and by the time you are done you have completely fallin’ in love!! There are many new sculpts coming out that are wonderful, the realism is getting phenomenal and the cost is going higher all the time too, that is why we love BB, they are a wonderful place to start. Good Luck along the way!!

edit to add: I never really cared for Kimberly-----finally did one and I love her, she is so soft and sweet looking, that was one of those situations that I didn’t care for in the beginning. I would like to do Joseph, Jenni had one at the ROSE show and he was adorable!!


My first kit was Sleeping Owen. My boyfriend was creeped out as soon as I opened the package. Then I turned the head around and saw 666 was his number. My boyfriend called him Chucky. I called him Damien. Then I started rooting light brown hair into his head and it literally turned red as I was rooting. All my boyfriend could say was “get that creepy doll out of this house!” He turned out really cute. And as soon as I showed my boyfriend the $300 check for selling him, he finally became a fan. :joy:


Yeah I know, but my mom is just not the nicer person :grin:
I’m up for adoption :rofl:

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