Nikolas WIP

i know he is not a crowd favorite. I tried to give away his head… But had no takers do I couldn’t resist… Opinions? What should I do to him? (Besides hair, brows , lashes) :heart::smiley:


You see a girl???


You wishes are my command😉

Nik, I’m impressed-------I don’t really like this doll and I have one too-----he is coming along really, really nicely. Great Job. How long have you been at this?


i think he or she is adorable cant wait to see hi, her finished

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You’ve really brought life to this sculpt! Nicely done! Looking forward to seeing him/her completed!

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What would I do with out you guys!!? @lynn I started last summer😳

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So you’ve only been at this for a year-------WOW you are doing a great job, congratulations on super work!

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Thanks. I have been practicing like crazy. I want to learn and learn!!! With all of you, I have so much to aspire too❤️


He’s beautiful! I don’t care for the sculpt, but your painting is great! I still see boy, though, but maybe with a bow in his hair, I’ll see what adh_Angela is seeing.

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I think he is going to be a challenge later on Dow n the road stop now back away from the post button​:confounded::confounded::confounded::confounded:

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Oh ya by the way I think he is looking awesome!!!

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Ok, no more pics!! Your right! :heart:️ I don’t want to root that head. Any wig suggestions???

Thank you!:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley::smiley::kiss:

And WOW!!!:grinning:

He looks great!!!

Definitely far from my favorite kit, but you did an amazing job on his coloring and details. Love his lips!


If you don’t mind sharing, what colors did you use to give his lips that color? I love it.

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I think he looks better than the prototype on the home page but we are doing challenge later hide him lol​:confounded::confounded::confounded:

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Lip nail with a bit of purple, and then a magenta 06 wash:-) thank you!!!:kiss:

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