Nikolas WIP

Super cute!!!

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Nice work Nikki! I relly dont care for the sculpt but you’ve done SO well on him! Looking good :wink:

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:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:️:smiley: thank you Cali!! Xoxo

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he looks great! I think this sculpt looks like Gordon Ramsey lol


He looks great. Does not look like girl though…lol.

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You are doing a great job with him. I never cared for this sculpt, but you made him likable.

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I think he looks like a baby boy that didn’t get his way.

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I agree with the other ladies and not crazy about this sculpt but you did a great job! I actually like yours more than the main prototype picture!


Nikki, I have watched you, and you have come so far with your painting. I am really impressed! Now you MUST quit avoiding rooting and eyebrows! Mommy says, root this baby! I know you are impatient and want to be moving all the time, but you can’t avoid these important parts of reborning. Your skin tones are really nice now and your babies deserve some pretty hair! So JUST DO IT! :wink:


Seriously??? Gordon Ramsey
Is HOT!’ I LOVE HIM!! I am addicted to cooking also, I watch him religiously. Wow- love that you see that!


Ok Helen. I will. WHEN YOU COME OVER AND ROOT WITH ME!'n Bhahahahahahaha . But seriously, I know your right. I am terrified to come so far and screw it all up. :weary::weary::weary: and thank you Naynay and Diane!!! Question-? WHAT COLOR HAIR?:flushed:

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I think baby brown would be good on him.

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Who can I order that one from?

Aww he’s cute!!

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Wow, looking very good. I am not a huge fan of this particular kit but seeing what you have done with him so far might change my mind. Great job! Can’t wait to see him finished. :smile:

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Don’t forget… You stupid donkey!!! Lololol I always laugh when he says that!!! So rude!!! But, he is still so cute!:heart:
Nichole :heart:️’s Gordon


I think it’s the forehead wrinkles on Nickolas. when Ramsey gets mad or frustrated the forehead wrinkles are sure to pop up.

@Nikkiroc maybe some sandy blond/light brown hair? make it wild and crazy like Ramsey lol


Omg!! Brilliant! I totally am going to do it!!! And his name is now … Gordon Ramsey!


I need to look at Gordon to see what color his eyes are!

I’m watching him right now lmao and I believe they are a blue/grey