Nikolas as a challenge

i think we should do a Nikolas challenge soon. He is always on sale, and no one ever posts wip’s on him. I really wonder what everyone would come up with!


I would do Nokolas​:grinning::grinning::grinning::grinning:

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That would be interesting… I have always thought he was kinda ugly as a Caucasian baby, but he is kinda cute in the darker skinned version.


He is a tough one.


He would be a good challenge and one that I can do as I already have his kit.

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Nikolas would be too much of a challenge for me. I don’t think he looks like a baby, or even a toddler. He looks like an adult to me.


He would def be a challenge!!! I would just love to see what everyone could do with him!!! For example… I don’t think he could be a girl!!! Lololol


Lolololololol I would love to see that!!

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Me too!!! I wish we though if him before we all bought dumplin! Lol

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Is it to late to switch? :grin::flushed:


Why not have two challenges just have one end a month after the other challenge like Dumplin Challenge ends Oct. 1st or something like that and the Nikolas Challenge could end Nov. 1st or near the middle to end of October so that those that are doing the Dumplin Challenge can also do the Nikolas Challenge if they want. It’s a thought.


I’m totally in!!! Anyone else? Great idea @rnd

Hes always remi,ded me of a little old man in a babys body lol. He looks so “adult” to me.


I know right??? That’s why he is such a challenge!!! You in Dar???

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Yeah - let’s do Nicholas

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Yay!! Judy is in!!!:smiley::heart:️:smiley::heart:

But is there another challenge going on, as well. Dumplin?

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Yes, scroll up to what RND wrote. I think it’s a good idea!

I think Nikolas is more of a “challenge” than dumplin, so not doing dumplin.

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Then do Nikolas!!!:smiley::heart:

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