Nikolas as a challenge

I miiiight be… What are the challenge perameters? Is he having some sort of theme? And who would run the poll? Im ridiculously hopeless with electronics.

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Well… Those are great questions!!! And I have no idea!!! Lolol This is just kinda happening! It looks like there is a bunch of interest though!

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I agree with Michelle - one at a time!


I’m already confused.:weary:


Me too!!!

Nikki, how about we wait to do Nikolas til after the Dumplin challenge? That way people aren’t overwhelmed and more people can participate in each challenge. :slight_smile:

I do think he’d make a good challenge baby, he looks a bit like a little old man to me lol.




I am up for the Nikolas Challenge at any time because I am not going to do the Dumplin Challenge because no matter what you do to that sculpt it will never look less dolly. The shape of her head, nose, eyes and mouth make her look dolly along with her hands. Good luck to those of you that are doing the Dumplin Challenge, I look forward to seeing if any of them change my mind on that sculpt. Just Have fun working on Dumplin!

I can wait to start Nikolas when the Dumplin Challenge ends, He is not the most inspiring Kit I have at the moment I am content to work on Leah, Lane, 2 Sweet Pea Awakes, Kendal, Chrissy, Savanna, Violet and Paige. I have enough to keep me busy for at least 6 weeks or more.


Well after that- I don’t want my dumplin!!! Lololololol maybe she will be a vampire or fairy!

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The point of the challenge is to make her as realistic as possible, Not the most realistic reborn ever made. :smile:
She isn’t the most realistic kit, But she has potential for sure.


I didn’t mean to upset anyone that is just my opinion of that kit. However I do think Dumplin is a cute kit to make for kid. I am considering her for my niece as a Christmas gift.


You didn’t upset me. I was just letting you know that the goal of the challenge wasn’t to make her the most realistic reborn, But as realistic as the kit allows.

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I was totally kidding!!! But I do want a Nikolas challenge also. Next I guess!:smiley:

I think Dumplin is adorable! I’m sure we’ll see lots of amazing Dumplins for sure. :slight_smile:

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I was hoping to participate in the next challenge, But if it is Nikolas…I’m not sure :confused:

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I think this Dumplin is pretty cute, actually. :slight_smile: Maybe by playing with the eyebrows and set of the eyes Dumplin would be able to be less dolly.


Izzy!!! What kind of eyes do you think???

I’m not sure. I meant like instead of full on front facing eyes you could make them crossed or looking to the side. :slight_smile:


Lol perfect! Lolololol

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Izzy - this is an adorable Dumplin and reminds me of some of Linda Murray"s Cradle kits. I am not going to do the challenge either.

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