Nicole Russell purchase

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Amount $25.00 $25.00
Fees $1.03
Total $25.00 $23.97
Funds Availability Date: Jul 8, 2015
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Just so there is no confusion or question about me as a buyer after all this mess. As I stated the DVD finally showed after a Paypal claim was filed. I finally got it to play and wanted to keep it. I as a buyer even though I had to jump through hoops to get what I paid for am an honest buyer and pay for what I purchase. I know she went on another forum and stated I have my money and the DVD. Well ladies you have the entire story here. As I stated once the money hit my account she would get her money. Here’s the proof. Thank you ladies for listening to my venting and to the end of the story. Always keep your end of the deal ~


I know you’re glad to have that ordeal over. :slight_smile:


Yes Amy I am!!! I am exhausted over that one. Needless to say its a learning experience for sure. I will not be so quick to buy unless I know its someone you can trust. Thats for darn sure~