Nicole Russell purchase

I honestly don’t think she thought it wouldn’t work on your computer due to the formatting. I think perhaps Nicole’s only shortfall was not mailing it to you as soon as you paid. So when you uploaded Cassie’s instructions for the link, it still wouldn’t play? Perhaps one of our Canadian ladies would like to try it out? It has to work for some one if it worked for Nicole.

No, I even had my daughter come in to see if I was doing something wrong. Same thing happened for her.

I think PayPal will cover the return postage. I would want to return it if I was getting a refund on July 6.

I already planned to do just that. I have the claim filed and have no intent of keeping it. Will do as paypay instructs me to do. I want tracking on it through them so I can continue to cover myself as I have so far. Just frustrating is what it is. By the way she didn’t refund the money, Paypal went in and yank it from her account.

At first i thought maybe something happened to it in the mail. It was packaged pretty well and it was intact in the case when we opened it. But then i did the link on the computer and it still doesnt work with their instructions.

What would she gain by sending a dvd that didn’t work? I am sure it is all a big misunderstanding.


Thats just it. Why did she delete her account through our conversation knowing there was a problem. I had already told her when and if the DVD showed even though a claim against her had been filed, as soon as it showed up and the money was received from paypal back in my account I would send her back the money. She sent it once I filed a claim.

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Hi Deb, Is your dvd player a multi region player…PLBD is from the UK and done by Cassie Brace so is Region 2 and will only play in UK DVD player or Multi Region Player…USA is Region 1 and OZ and NZ are region 4 ,etc…I can only watch DVD’s from the USA and UK because I have a Multi Region player…That may be the problem???


I agree westernstarr, but the seller should have told that up front and explained how to play it. Which ever way you look at it her business practice is bad.
As far as the price goes, I got all of PLBD videos for about $20 directly from PLBD site. I watched them on my computer and then re-sold them.


Yes, understand…was not referring to the nature of business practice…I agree, it sounds like bad business ethics but just trying to give an explanation as to maybe why the DVD might not have worked in Deb’s DVD player. The whole experience would not have been very nice and it is a shame that Deb had it happen to her… :disappointed:


Star and Ludmila, I had no idea!!! She never told me that when she sold it to me. Thats probably whats going on then. Now I understand ladies and I thank you for that. She hasn’t been honest and up front from the word go so I seriously don’t know why I would be so surprised. I thought a DVD was a DVD. Its going back to her regardless. She let this whole thing go to far by not sending the DVD when she said she did. It took a few conversations between her and I which were full of nothing but excuses and different excuses each time. Even though I kept asking when did she mail it she chose to not say. By then the claim was filed and she mailed it. A few of the ladies on this forum have seen these messages between us and can state on my behalf I was not in the wrong. Paypal stated if she could not provide tracking on the item they would get the money back. She could not provide that. As a buyer I sit here with something useless but in the end will have my money back so that part I am greatful for. Nicole will get her DVD back in the proper manner. Its gonna be tracked back to her so I have proof on my end I am not only an honest seller but an honest buyer. I would hope she has learned something by all this mess as how to treat others when selling something to someone else. Her practice speaks for itself from what I have been seeing with issues others had with her.

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I bought that DVD when it first came out. It did not work in all my DVD players. I was able to finally get it to play on the Bose one in my living room, though. When I sold the DVD, I made sure to let potential buyers know that there was a possibility it wouldn’t play through their DVD player and quoted from PLBD website.

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Canada and the US are both Region 1.

I had one of those DVDs at one time and I remember now that it would only play in the computer. I sold the DVD on and I am quite sure I had totally forgotten that it didn’t play in the DVD player and I probably forgot to mention it to my buyer. I only remember now because of this thread. I hope my buyer did not think I was scamming them.


I will say this ladies. When Nicole sold the DVD she didn’t state what type it was. I do believe that was an honest mistake. I seriously had no idea there was a difference in how you play a DVD. The issue here comes down to one thing and one thing only. Always send merchandise to your buyer immediately. Never makes excuses and then when being asked when did you mail it, give an honest answer. Not another set of excuses that are different then before. Thats a red flag something is up. Yes I received the DVD , and no I have not received my money as of yet. Pia was the one who directed me in the direction to advise Paypal of the situation in which I thank her for. The claim was filed and at this point it was a little to late for Nicole to redeem herself to me. Once the DVD FINALLY arrived and I decided to try it and it didn’t work, yes I was extremely angry. Any of you ladies would have felt the same way. I have had time to let that subside and now just am chalking it off as a learning experience. In the end she will get her DVD back as long as I get my money that I sent to her in the proper time when I made purchase. I expect no more or no less then that.


Have to say Deb that I purchased that particular DVD from MacPhersons and never knew that there were difficulties playing it in anything other than my computer as that’s all I use. I think I would have been upset to say the least if like you, I attempted to play it elsewhere and it didn’t work. Well now I know! :open_mouth:
A couple of months ago I purchased a dolls outfit from an Australian private seller, who after a few days emailed me to say that she had been unable to post the package as they had been flooded in. Bless her!..and I was more than happy to give her all the time she needed. The article arrived in due time and it was just so lovely that she took the time to contact me even with all her own woes.


Thats a fantastic seller!!! I understand when situations in life happen because we all have dealt with issues. But darn it at least keep your buyer in the loop!!!


Yesterday I received confirmation from paypal that the money has been refunded and received on their end. They stated since I used my debit card it takes about 5 days for it to hit my account. So things are now looking up. Last night we made a new purchase of a laptop so I can keep it in my craft room. We got it home and had my son set it up. We then tried the DVD and FINALLY we got it to play. Keep in mind I thought this was a regular DVD not knowing there was a difference in the darn things. I have a DVD player in my craft room and that’s what I wanted it for. We still can’t figure out why it will not play on our big computer, but I guess that doesn’t matter at this point. So the plan now is when the money actually hits my bank account Nicole Russell will receive a check paying her for the DVD since I can actually use it. But until then she will wait for her money just like I had to wait for my merchandise. All I can say is what a trip this one has been. As I said previously I will chalk this up as a learning experience and move on. Honesty is truly all any buyer wants~ On a good note Happy 4th of July to all you ladies. Stay safe and have fun…


Yea!!! I’ve had DVD’s that play in one computer but not another. Its very frustrating.


It makes no sense why it just won’t but at least we got it going. Its really a pretty good DVD. Just glad I can use it.