Nicole Russell purchase

Just wanted to touch base with you ladies and fill you in on the end of the story of the purchase I made with Nicole Russell. Let me begin by saying it finally arrived today in the mail. After everything that has happened in my previous post pertaining to this here is the kicker to the story. When I first saw she had this for sale I jumped all over the DVD because she only wanted 25.00 for it. This was originally a very expensive DVD new. So here I thought man oh man I got a real deal. That is why I bought it in the beginning. So after all the excuses of not receiving it when I should have I now know why she sold it for 25.00. As soon as I opened the package I put it in my DVD player and the screen remained black and my player stated across the screen unknown DVD.Excuse me!!! So I put in a DVD of Greys Anatomy and it played just fine. So I brought the DVD back upstairs and tried it in the DVD player in my living room. It came up stating the same thing, unknown DVD. Guess what folks it doesn’t even work. Here I had plans to send her back the 25.00 once it was deposited back into my account because that’s how I do business. Well lets say it won’t be happening now. I truthfully have to laugh because its crazy how this whole thing played out. Still shaking my head thinking ya got to be kidding me~

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Oh, no, Deb! I’m so sorry! Try it in your computer! Sometimes they’ll play in the pc and not in a DVD player.


What’s the name of the DVD? I agree, try it in the PC. Have you messaged her telling her the problem?

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Try playing it on your computer. I purchased the Baby Dust DVD’s a while back and they did the same thing. I found out that they had a region code on them and it did not work properly. Most of the DVD players have a region code restriction on them, but most computers don’t. Needless to say I was very ticked off. I wish they would have stated this up front.

Its called Precious Little Baby Dust (Painting Baby Hair with Genesis~ Its says its a DVD right on the disk. What could cause this not to work? I made contact with her and she stated it worked. I have a hard time believing her after everything.

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No matter what i do it won’t work. I have 3 DVD players in my home, not a one will play it. They all say unknown DVD.

Angela, thats so sweet of you. I have several videos, just wanted that one in particular. Just got a message from her saying this one is for the computer. Its says DVD on it. I guess she is also blasting me on another site because she got caught in her web of lies. Lets put it this way, I have my receipts from paypal where I purchased. Have not gotten the money back yet. We also recorded taking the DVD taking it out of the packaging and how we tried to play it. I may just have to post it all for all to see. Thats one thing I can’t stand is a liar!!!

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Oh and by the way I think she just took her site down AGAIN!!! Happens everytime someone has an issue with her. See if it works for you all.

Please try it on the computer first. That is what the other ladies have said have happened to their DVD discs that have had nothing to do with Nicole. :blush:


It depends on how the DVD was made. Sometimes the “burning” program makes it so it only plays on the computer DVD. It can be frustrating.

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Ok ladies just put it back in the computer and it still doesn’t work. It won’t even come up. :frowning:

Hmmm idk :confused:

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Thats why I am so angry. It simply doesn’t work. :confounded: Thanks for helping ladies, I really appreciate it.

Yep, her site is down again! And I’ve been un-friended from her personal page. :frowning:

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I sure hope you aren’t suggesting that Nicole knew she sent you a disc that didn’t work?

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I don’t even want to think that Pia, but she sure got mad when I sent her a message and now she has deleted everything. Simply tells me alot right there.

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This is on Cassie’s web page about the DVD and a possible download you can donto your computer. Hope this results in success and an apology.


Perhaps she had other issues with her personal life and that’s why she deleted everything.

Pia, I already did this and it doesn’t work. My hands are tied at this point. I am seriously fed up with the whole mess. I sit here with a DVD that does not work and still have no refund. Pretty disappointing. If I was in the wrong you can bet I would be the first to apologize. The only thing I am sorry for is buying the darn thing. :frowning:


@izzy, She deleted everything as soon as I messaged her on the situation.