Newborn Luna

she already fits in newborn clothes! My brother has nick named her MONKEY BUTT. My brother is seriously the funniest guy I know. My abs are always sore after a weekend with him making me cry laughing. So… Here’s monkey butt!


Awwww she is getting so big! Going to be graduated before you know it :sob::sob::sob: they grow up to be people way to fast!


you need to get her one of these lol


She is so cute! I love little babies and they just won’t stay that way! That’s why we reborn I guess.


She’s so darling! And growing so quickly now! So adorable:)

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Lolol yes I do!!!

Angel that’s so cute! This one even has the tail:)


Love monkeys and that is the cutest monkey butt I have ever seen…love her!


Awwwww thanks Mimi!!! I am not telling my family about Bunny. They will get the news in October when we all go to Luna’s❤️


Awwwwwwww. They don’t stay babies long enough. She is so precious.


Who couldn’t help but love little monkey butt to cute​:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:️:heart_eyes::heart:


She is adorable, does your brother live out of state or will Luna be able to grow up with her new cousin?

Well… Texas is so big we might as well live in sepetate states! Luna is at the very top, and bunny is the very bottom… 10 hours away😩

I haven’t seen anyone in my family in over 2 years. I used to travel to them all the time… But, I told them… It’s time to travel to me. That’s when I never saw them again. So… Of course, it’s me going to them again to see Luna! The thing is… My family has money… All of them… So it’s not a financial thing. It’s hard not to take it personally. It breaks my heart.:broken_heart:


That is to bad, sorry I know how hard that can be.

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Aww, Nikki…I wish I could give you a big hug. I would be very upset, too. They’re really missing out.


Little Luna is so precious. I’m glad we have photos and the ability to share them :slight_smile:

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I think so too!!! They are totally missing out!!! The thing is… I’m not working and it’s super expensive to be flying all over the U.S. Which I have done since 2007 when I
Was in school in Cali. I used to not mind… But I do now. I know that NOONE wants to come to south Texas… And I don’t blame them’! But… I’m here!!! Lol I would hope that would be a good reason! They go to Dallas to see my brother 2 times a year… If I don’t travel there, then it’s my problem… I was a bad daughter and blew off the family. I bought that for years… But now it’s like… Wait…a street runs 2 ways! Lolol

Tell them you’ll travel but they have to pay. :slight_smile: Luna is adorable, by the way!

Exactly, Helen!!


Well, if Grandma wants to see her grandbunny, I guess she better get in the car and drive another 10 hours, right? He he he. Grandkids change everything.