New to forum

Hi Everyone ! My name is Jean Philpott and I am the reborner from " Reborn Baby Boutique " I have decided to join all you lovely ladies and share my love of reborns too .I have been reborning and selling my babies on Ebay for 7 years now ! I love all these precious bundles ! I am excited to meet you all ! I have been reading all your posts for quite some time , and love that you all come together and share your love of babies ! I am hoping to meet some new friendly, fun internet friends .I am happy to be here . …
Hugs Jean :smile:


Welcome Jean! I’m Michele and fairly new at this.

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Welcome Jean! I have been here since 2012. If you have FB page or Website, you are welcome to post them!

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Welcome, Jean! I started reborning last year and love it! This forurm is awesome; I think you’ll love it here.

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Welcome, Jean! This is the friendliest doll forum I’ve found. Lots of us are members of other forums too, but we tend to hang out here. Hugs back!


Hello Jean,
I’d like to welcome you to our forum! smile My name is Emily, with Bountiful Baby. Feel free to tag my username (@EmilyBB) if you have any questions about our forum or products!

Media Manager
Bountiful Baby

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Thank you everybody . . … Nice to meet you all !! I do have a Facebook page under " Reborn Baby Boutique "
Redirecting... and also a website where you can learn more about me !!

Welcome Jean, nice to have you here with us on the BB forum. You will find this forum more active than some of the others, we are all addicted here and love to share our views and ideas with everyone. It’s very nice to meet you I hope you enjoy interacting with all of us. Post pictures, we love pictures !

Welcome, your babies are lovely and I’m extremely jealous of that nursery! :heart_eyes:

Do you make the Bears too?

Welcome Jean, nice to meet you. I’m Deb. So very glad you have joined us. :smiley:

Hi again LOL! Thank you everybody !! Yes Lynaea I do make the mohair bears too !! I have just recently tried my hand at making mohair bears to use as props with my babies !! They are a lot of work , but are fun to make !! I have just completed setting up my nursery in a Victorian theme !! I have had such fun collecting old things to decorate it ! I am also lucky as my hubby has buildt me a special studio to paint my dollies in !! I will include photos for you all !!

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Yea!!! waiting on those pictures.

Nice to meet you Jean. Welcome to the forum. We have a lot of fun here and learn a lot about reborning. Your babies are wonderful. You will like the all the wonderful ladies and we look forward to hearing your input. :smiley: Diane

welcome to the family this is a great forum where lots of people offer great advice, help, and encouragment hope you like it here as much as i do :slight_smile:

As promised, here are a couple of photos of my Reborn Baby Boutique Nursery and my Reborn Studio !!! I wanted a Victorian themed nursery , and I had such fun collecting old things to set it all up ! After a lot of wallpapering , painting, collecting and dust , I finally finished it !!LOL ! My hubby was sweet enough to also build me my dream studio where I spend many many hours !!

Welcome Jean. So happy to meet you!

What happened Jean, I can’t see the pictures, just 2 little squares with X’s in them. Can anyone else see them?

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Nope, I can’t see them either, Jean.