New PIF! Come join in the fun! UPDATE! And the winner is! Helen aka honojane! Congratulations Helen!

Hi Everyone!! I was the very lucky winner of Summer’s PIF a couple of weeks ago!! Today I am excited to Pay It Forward!!

My question to you is of all the steps it entails to reborn a kit what is the most annoying thing for you? It can be a technique or just something that stresses you when reborning. Mine is that no matter how hard I clean my work space I still end up with mohair getting stuck to the vinyl when I’m pouncing or applying the paint and it annoys the heck out of me. It doesn’t just happen once in a while but almost constantly plus even though I have bought good quality brushes…Baby Strokes from Dolls By Sandi…they shed and I end up with goat hair on my freshly painted vinyl. I’m not one to curse but when this keeps happening there are words that come out of my mouth that I am ashamed to admit to!! Luckily the only one around to hear these foul words is my dog Jeeter and he can’t talk!! :scream:

I’ll be picking a name out of a basket on the evening of Saturday July 9th… Good Luck everyone!!! :heart_eyes:


I would say the nail detail as my eyes are so bad I have to take my glasses off to do the nails and put them back on the get the paint. It’s a pain to be blind.


Aw, man! That whole mohair in the paint thing would drive me nuts! The thing that annoys me the most is when I can’t get the eyes positioned correctly. Sometimes the solid half round glass eyes are dang near impossible to keep positioned right and it downright frustrating!!! I’ve never won a PIF so maybe this will be my lucky time. :grinning:


The ears I just can’t seem to get them to look right they come out to red or not looking like an ear should lol


Matte varnish!!! I can’t seem to get the right formula… And get it on evebly😩


I can’t win because I just won Helens but the thing that drives me nuts is…Where does the GLITTER come from???:tired_face: I HATE glitter - probably because I taught preschool​:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:. So in MY space, with NO GLITTER, how does it end up in my paint? Sigh…:upside_down_face:


Eyebrows annoy me to no end. Too high, too low, too thick, then when I get one right I can’t get the other to match. Sigh. Also fibers getting stuck in paint. I’m sick of them, but don’t fight it anymore. I paint it and call it a capillary. Hahaa!


Eyebrows and varnishing. Both are what I hate doing. I have over a dozen babies in waiting just needing those two things! My main thing that annoys me the most is when I get thrilled to create a sculpt then once near the brow and varnish I set it aside and start another. I’ve done this for years! If I get them finished I could sell them once I finish them but I always start on another I do complete some lol. I need to change my habit of procrastinating :flushed::grin:


I absolutely agree with hair, lent, black fuzzies, etc. stuck to my wet or dry vinyl!!! This slows down the process and if I happen to miss it and let my paint dry it leaves a mark in my vinyl. I bought some new Miracle Blend air dry paints and they are a magnet for any little fuzzies floating nearby…


The most annoying thing for me is rooting. I still dread it. I’m not great at it, and it takes me forever. I get done painting and then think. Oh great! I can list soon. And then it’s another week before I can finish up. My poor Tippi has been on the rooting table for months and months because her big old hard toddler head drives me bonkers. I have her about a third of the way done with no end date in sight.


My main issue is blending darker skin tones. Id love to learn ethnic, Im trying real hard! Blending the skin tone down to the feet and hands so it all looks natural.

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My biggest set backs have been related to paint, has happened on two kits, not staying in spots! When I’d go to pounce the next layer the previous layer came off! Having to go back and rewash then blend into the void desperate to not leave traces showing the annoyance that occured.

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Dont enter me, please!

The parts of reborning that get to me are nailbeds, brows, and those blasted fuzzies! For the life of me, I cannot get a natural looking nail color. Not the tip, the actual nail color. I tried using my nails as an example and blending from purple to pink, but it just doesn’t work! So for now I stick with a purple color.

I’m getting better at brows, but phew, they are always a fight! The placement, thickness, length, ugh! And recently those fuzzies that like to stick to air dry. If you use an adhesive medium and don’t get to the fuzzies fast enough, they’re stuck there. Poor Jewel is just covered in them because I was painting at night and didn’t notice them until the next morning…

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With me in the Netherlands I probably don’t qualify… Being new I think what annoys me most is not being able to find the right tutorial for the paints I use… Or for the step I am working on… Don’t get me wrong there are great tutorials for Genesis… And several for different air dry paints… But LDC paints seem to be ones not used often and if they are I can’t find many to help… Another huge frustration is not being able to get supplies I need. (One of the reasons I have LDC paints) to purchase items in the States I have to have them delivered to my sister and she then has to send them on to me… Unless they are very small and cheap orders… Because between shipping and customs it can add twice the cost of the product… So for now these are my biggest complaints…


I am working on my first reborn and there are two things annoying me right now. First, my makeshift drying rack is not working very well-a tissue box with pencils stuck in it, lol. The pencils will shift and the the limbs start falling over. I just don’t want to spend anymore money for a while so I will struggle till I can’t take it anymore!! The second thing isn’t really an annoyance, but I’m pretty much guessing as far as ratios of paint to slow dry to water. Everyone has given a lot of great info, it’s just you eventually have to dive in and make mistakes and learn as you go. That’s why my baby has blue toes right now😝But, happy to be finally giving it a try😊


Eyebrows I absolutely hate them, I would rather root for 2 weeks straight!!!

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Suggestions for Drying babies limbs… Most will fit on a water or soda bottle… Make sure the bottle is full so it doesn’t tip over… It was only 12 euro’s for the drying rack I bought… But I know what you mean about not spending money that isnt necessary… I purchased 300 euro’s worth of stuff and before I even start working on my baby I am going to have to purchase several more colors since the set didn’t come with some important colors I need… That will be the very last time I purchase a “complete” set of materials… Most I don’t need and need a ton more that wasn’t in it…


I’m not sure I guess I will go with eyebrows I just cant get them right no matter how many babies I make I do not think I will ever be happy with them. I wish I was better at mottling sometimes it comes out too blotchy and other times it’s as if I blended too much and you can’t even see I did any lol.

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I am working on my first baby. But I guess the thing that has being driving me up the wall is taking 10 years! yes I said 10 years to pluck up enough courage to actually START!

I have had all my supplies for 10 years! LOL

I don’t know why i’ve had such a block, its not even like the kits i have are expensive, so if I totally screwed up it wouldn’t be such a big deal.


Hi Anita…I see that you use satin varnish and thick medium to seal. I’ve been using a combo of satin and matte varnish. I hate the grainy feeling that the matte leaves on the vinyl but if I don’t use it then my babies tend to be too shiny. Does using the thick medium leave less of a rough feeling then the matte varnish does or is it about the same? :slight_smile: