My Little Presley Asleep - WIP

He’s so gorgeous Starr—I hope I can make mine look anywhere close to that!!! I love him, is he staying with you?? I would definitely keep him if he was mine!! Beautiful job, as usual!!

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Thanks DC…Not sure about the PM…will go check…you know me and PM’s lol

Thanks Lynn…yes he is definitely my keeper…love this little boy… :smile:


Sounds good! And yes, I do lol :joy: Hey, I’ve been forgetting to check my pm’s lately too so it isn’t just you lol


Aw I just love him Starr…you make the best babies!! I’ve missed seeing you around too.


Starr, now that you have a little baby in the states are you sure you can’t come over and go to the show with us------oh and of course “see the new baby”??? In fact bring the “new baby” to ROSE so we can all see her!!!


Thanks Izzy for the lovely comments and I always miss you too… :kissing_heart:

Heehee…wouldn’t I love that…that would be so amazingly wonderful!!! I see my ortho surgeon on Monday the 11th to see what we are going to do with these knees of mine…Got a feeling I will be waiting another little while yet cause they want me to go as long as I can before having them done but I definitely deteriorate a bit more each year and though I had hoped he was wrong when he said I would be cripple by the time I am 60, he may be more right than I want to admit so trying to decide whether to go for it now and risk having to have another surgery in 10 years or just grinning and bearing it a bit longer…not very exciting either way…just 6 years ago I would have jumped on a plane and been over there for the birth…amazing how something as small as 2 knee joints can change your life so much…


Unfortunately those 2 knees carry us everywhere!!! They can be pretty bad, I have known friends who have had knee replacements and it’s always better afterwords but does take a while to recover. I would say if they are intruding into your life Starr, then go get them done!!!

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Thanks Lynn, I have been seriously thinking about it…the surgeon told me that they only last about 10 years and that the second surgeries are less that 40% successful and that most people experience much more extreme pain after a second surgery than they ever had before having any surgery so I have been trying to hold off as long as possible. (Not to mention I am petrified to have the surgery anyway…lol) I figure that if I can wait till I am 60 then I may have good legs till I am 70 and once I get to 70 (if I live that long…lol) that I won’t care anyway…hahahahaha! anyhow…I will be talking to him soon so will see what he thinks…Thanks for the advice though…I do listen to other people’s stories…It is always encouraging hearing other success stories… :smile:


Well what ever you decide I hope it is successful and easy for you. Don’t fear the surgery, you will be fine and can just sit around and talk to us and make babies----Hey, kinda like you’re doing now!!! lolol

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Hahahaha…Too true!

Beautiful…great job


If you get the surgery in the states… I’ll come and take care of you!!!


Wow, That sounds great…wonder if that is over there and it is just not as up to date here…I will have to find that out…I would probably go straight in and have it done if I knew I had 20 years out of it…I would be too old to care by the time they wore out then…I admit my quality of life has degenerated quite a lot since I have had the problems…each year I seem to lose a bit more mobility…and being hyper…it is the total pits…will talk about this to the doc on Monday…Will let you know what we come up with…lol

Wow, I would love to come over there and have it done but not sure what the cost would be as I don’t have any insurance over there…lol I would love for you to come over too…I am very independent though so you would have to just keep me company…not do anything else… and no spiking my chocolate milk! lol


Somethings I can not promise :wink::wink::wink::wink::kiss:


Thanks so much! :kissing_heart:

Oh Starr, he is just adorable. I love him xx