My little girl crystal / 1st reborn

Here she is , through all my trials and tribulations. She was born on
4/19/20@3:30pm. My family like her, but she is still creepy to them. They say, when I pass away they’ll bury her with me. Lol. But really, they’re impressed. Lots to improve later, but for now she’s all mine.



Yay YOU DID IT!! She looks beautiful :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

So who’s next on your list?

Lol about the creepy part. My kids learned that saying that hurt my feelings and now they follow up “creepy” with because it looks so real and it makes me feel better and a bit proud :heart_eyes:

So I guess I’m saying yes! Feel proud that you creeped them out your “skills” and that yes, they are impressed :wink:. I can’t wait to see your next one :star_struck:


She came out adorable!!

Beautiful 1st baby, you are well on your way to being a reborn artist :heart:

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She’s very cute! Love her in pink!

Yay! She looks so cute! My first dolls looked like gargoyles. Congratulations!

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Great job! You should be very proud of yourself!

By the way “creepy” is the ultimate compliment! :grin:

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Shes very cute…great job. Its good that you are holding onto her, but tell you family you probably wont need her in the afterlife LOL
I still have mine. Someday I need to do another Meg and take pictures for comparison :wink:

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Great first reborn!

Aaww, she’s cute. I think she’s outgrowing her clothes already though. hee hee

I’d like to see your babies. I hope you are well today. I’ve started a new baby. It’s Rina from bountiful. I will definitely share her with you. I’m going to take my time with this baby. Chat later.

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Cant wait to see…the easiest way to see my babies is to look on my Reborns nursery, many of them are there :slight_smile:

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Congratulations! I think you did well with your first one! I hope she will be forever sentimental for you! ‘Creepy’ is a compliment in Reborn World :rofl:

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Thank you for your support. God knows, I needed and I value it do much.

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