My daughter says I have an addiction. Seriously? HA HA HA!

It sure is Dee!!! Its good for the soul~ :smile:


My son leaves for college in August. This gives me tons of ideas on what to do with his room! LOL!


Hehehe!! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Yvonne, you will love having your special room for this. Your son might not be crazy about it, just ask Amy above. LOL!!! What I really like is I can walk away from a certain point and not worry about putting things away. But then when I can get back to it I can pick up right where I left off.


Thank you Mykeala!!! :blush:

You guys are right. Mentioned my wonderful idea to the man-child and he wasn’t pleased. So I had to come up with plan b…turn his room into the guest room and make our current (and small) guest room my little nursery! He’s ok it that. His quote was “mom it’s just creepy to sleep surrounded by dismembered baby parts! It can’t be my room!” LOL!


I definitely have to close the door or one of my dogs steals a stuffed animal. :smiling_imp:


My kitten does that too! She loves stuffed animals.

This is my other cat.He’s giving me the look of “Get off the forum and pay attention to me” lol


That’s funny!

I have to shut the door as well cause my Simease is so nosey. He also has a thing for climbing in the trash can. Ming is also a thief and will take anything shiny that thrills him. LOL!!! I find things all over my house that he takes off with. Hes a clepto!!! LOL!!!


Oh goodness, I love your room. I see 2 pics on my screen with two little photo boxes with an x in the corner to show pics missing. How many pics were supposed to be there?

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Thanks so much! When I posted it was having problems loading. Not sure what happened. But only 1-2 pics.

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Here ya go Chianna!!! LOL!!!

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WONDERFUL !!! I LOVE YOUR ROOM :slight_smile: so organize, cozy.